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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 00:19



热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 08:02

An Investigation of the Effect of the Sweet Osmanthus Leaf Extractive on the Preservation of the Yellow Cherry Tomatoes

Aging and deterioriation caused by microorganisms and metabolism are the main reasons of fruits decomposition. This invesigation uses the yellow cherry tomatoes as the experimental material to investigate the effect of the sweet osmanthus leaf extractive on the presevation of the yellow cherry tomatoes. The aim of the experiment is to restrain the corrotion of harvested yellow cherry tomatoes by the microorganisms and to slow down its metabolism.
As the data suggested that the 0.5% -1.0% concentrated sweet osmanthus leaf extractive does not have a significant effect on the preservation of the yellow cherry tomatoes; 1.5%-2.5% higher concentrated extractive decreased the rate of deterioriation in the quality and the rate of rotting while softens the soluble solids, titrats acid and lowers Vc level. The 1.5%-2.5% concentrated extractive has a certain amount of effect on presevation.

【Key words】Sweet osmanthus leaf Extractive Yellow cherry tomatoes Preservation追问大神,不是用的在线翻译吧


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