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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 23:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 09:59

We are both grown-ups.We know the rules clearly. It's not a big deal.I have been tired of these so-called love game.Get along well and be together or just say goodbye. Enjoy everything!That's the most important!

It's not a big deal!没什么大不了的。
be tired of 厌倦某事
get along well 相处融洽


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:00

Come on, we are growups. We all know the rules and it doesn't matter. I am already tired of the game. Let it be. Just enjoy ourselves.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:00

We're all alts. we all know the game rules. It's not a big deal.
I'm tired of the so-called love game.
United and divided, it's up to you.
but the most important is to relax and enjoy.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:01

We are all alts here. We all know the rules of the game. This is nothing. I'm already tired of the so-called love game. If we get along, we stay together, if not, we go our seperate ways. To enjoy each other's company leisurely is the highest state possible.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:01

Everyone of us are alts. We all know the rule of game, and it's not a big deal. I have already tired of the so-called love-trick. Get along with each other or say goodbye if improper. Enjoy the other side easy and free is the greatest level.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 10:02

We are all alts, we know the rules of the game, this is nothing, I am tired of the game of love, if we get along, then we stay together, if not, oh well... Let's simply enjoying being with each other.


Our classroom is on the ground floor.


ISTA 3E检测用于由一个产品、多个产品或包装件放置在滑片或托盘上,固定在一起或是作为一个单元运输的包装或通过FTL运输的包装件。FTL即整车运输。富港检测技术(东莞)有限公司是专注于包装测试的第三方检测机构。公司可以为不同类型的企业用户...


1 .His face was a change in an iron-clad blue.他脸色一变,铁一般的青。2 .Natiao path twists and turns leading to the Peak.那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。3 .Huse deeper the farther from the near to far, is silvery white, light blue, dark blue, dark green, very clear.湖色...


1.When you leave the room, please remember to turn off all the lights and fans.2.To the end of last year, I have learned six English poetry of the. 3. Ever since he came to Shanghai, Peter has always had in Shanghai.4.Next Saturday which films will be released?5. Af...

中翻英 句子

4. 我们取得了很大进展,但这并不意味着我们就可以从此吃老本,而无须进取了。we acquired a big progress, but that doesn't mean we can stop it and stay the same(但这并不意味我们可以停止和保持不变)5. 我相信用不了多久我们的产品就会走向世界。i believe its not long til our produ...


It seems that I can feel the warm sunshine, which is really amazing.


1. The aircraft will take off at 3 o'clock this afternoon according to the time table.2. She was happily singing as a bird on her way home.3. She doesn't have to be in such a hurry as there is enough time left.


I will try my best to solve it.7. 让我深爱的你在人海中孤独旅行, 我会怪自己如此狠心 I will blame myself a thousand times to have you, my beloved one, wander in the crowd alone.8. 笑容勉强不了。Smile cannot be squeezed out.9. 无法释怀。I just can't let go....


1.nothing can prevent me form learning the englsih.2.take it easy, i will keep you company as soon as possible.3.All the bad people should be brought to justice.4.the problem that you disputed yeaterday evenning has been solved.5.please pass me the dictinary with the black...


我待会尝试一下, 如果没有别人翻的话.Wow! I haven't seen your blog for a few days and it's changed so much, it's very nice. It's strange the way your family treats Zeou (择偶), I feel the same as you, I hope we can find a suitable lover, let's just leave ...


(这件事)我不是特别清楚 I am not so sure (about this).我不太清楚这个问题的意思 I am not so sure what this question means.知道一点可又不太清楚一般就可以说 not so sure about ...

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