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电脑能否改善我们的生活的一篇英文议论文 Have computers improved our lives?

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 15:12



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 07:39

Under the development of science and technology,computer has become a neccessary part of our life.People work with computers,study with computers and play with computers. it is manifest that computers improved our life so much! The reasons are mainly as followed:
1.By using computers, we could chat with our friends who is far away from us.we could send e-mail to each others, or even chat with MSN,QQ…in the past,people write to each other,and it cost such a long time to be arrived.Nowadays, by using the computer,it makes our life much more convient.
2.Right now, some times you can work or even study at home ,without going to your workplace or school.it helps you do the same job,learn the same knowledge.
the life with computer is so cool, you can find the informantion you need at any time,.it really do a good help to our life.
sorry , i don't have enough time to finish this essay.i need go back home! hope it would do you help!追问继续哦

追答in a much casual space.it improves the working efficency.
3 "indoorsman&Otaku girl" describe the people who do everything at home, sometimes people don't go shopping .they prefer to buy the goods through the internet.they choose to watch the movies on the internet,rather than spend money to go to the films.
well, evey coin has two sides.some people,especially the youths,they couldn't control themselves,they are absorbed in the computer games,pornographicor violent movies.no matter what computer affects us.it improve our life!

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