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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 15:12



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 07:37

一、Experimental background and its significance

City Fengtai is the author of two days of school students concted oral surveys,By focusing on the investigation,Students a comprehensive understanding of oral status,Student Oral Proficiency found a weak link,Oral teaching in order to determine the breakthrough point.At the same time,By observing the process of teachers of English language teaching,Students selected Oral English ability to improve the effective experience,Further in the classroom teaching experiment.Were surveyed for the second year, two School Class,A total of 100 students.Oral response to investigate the capacity of the project, English reading ability and the capacity of a one-way described. Unified approach is the use of self-oral test City title, contains the following five: rapid response, the scene to ask questions, read, talk freely, pictures speak, is to investigate separately by teachers to teach in their classes one by one oral examination, and record every In the case of students. Through the investigation found that the majority of our students are very timid, expression is not clear or too colloquial dialect, and some do not want to open, and some do not even speak. 好累啊 才给10分啊 多给点呗 谢谢
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