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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 14:45



热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 18:16

Since we Americans are a blend of people from many countries,we have a very short history which can properly be called“American”.
--Therefore,it is hard to find characteristics which apply to all Americans.We combine many extremes from many different cultures.
--Nevertheless we can make some generalizations.Our main characteristics include indiviality,a combination of idealism and practicality,materialism,_and_a lack of parental influence,all of which permeate our lives.

即--答案是:Therefore Nevertheless and

热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 18:16


Since we Americans are a blend of people from many countries,we have a very short history which can properly be called“American”.__Therefore__,it is hard to find characteristics which apply to all Americans.We combine many extremes from many different cultures.__However__,we can make some generalizations.Our main characteristics include indiviality,a combination of idealism and practicality,materialism,__and__a lack of parental influence,all of which permeate our lives.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 18:17


热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 18:18

as a result

热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 18:18

Since we Americans are a blend of people from many countries,we have a very short history which can properly be called“American”. __Therefore__,it is hard to find characteristics which apply to all Americans.We combine many extremes from many different cultures.As a _result___,we can make some generalizations.Our main characteristics include indiviality,a combination of idealism and practicality,materialism, _and___a lack of parental influence,all of which permeate our lives

热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 18:19

昭君怨诗词大全(5首昭君怨古词) 道是春来花未,道是雪来香异。竹外一枝斜,野人家。词中吟诵的是 萌萌带着自己的压岁钱去买笔记本,买了2本后还剩1.8元。如果买同样的笔记... ...1.8元,买同样的作业本四本差2.4元,作业本多少钱一本。给算得方法说... ...如果买同样的硬面钞4本则差2.40元,那么小明带了多少钱? 小明带一些钱去买作业本,买两本之后还剩1.8元;如果买同样的练习本4本则... 我的QQ总是被盗,烦死了,我总要改密码,怎样才不会被盗密码? 我跟一个好兄弟绝交了有1年9个月,没有联系没有来往,但我的心一直惦记... ...了。最近他听说我生病做手术回来了,就去班长那里问我的近况,加我... 请问神舟七号载人航天飞行的圆满成功,将对我国经济产生哪些积极影响... experience的用法什么时候加s啊是译为经 blend words和digraph有什么区别 梦见自己儿子有小孩的预兆 短跑运动员完成100米赛跑的过程可简化为匀加速直线运动和匀速直线运动两个阶段.在一次比赛中,某运动员 某运动员在进行百米赛跑过程中,前50m的时间是7.5s,后50m用的时间是5s,则该运动员 某百米赛跑运动员,他的成绩是16s,测得他在50m处的速度是6m/s,到终点时的速度为7.5m/s,则全程内的平均 八(一)班的小余是优秀的短跑运动员,在一次百米赛跑中,起始速度为9m/s,中途的速度为7.5m/s,最后冲刺 某运动员在100米竞赛中,测得他5秒末的速度为7.5米/秒,10秒末到达终点的速度为10.2米/秒,则这运动员跑1 某运动员在100米短跑中取得成绩7.5s时间,该运动员速度是多少 闲鱼快递会帮你打包吗 2023绵阳一诊还有两天开考!多少分可上985/211? 小红书新人流量券用好还是不用 根据一句歌词找一首男声抒情英文歌 *部分有一句i just can't live without you love 有一首英文歌中间*部分有一句是i just can get enough fun。请问是什么歌?急!! 找首歌 .... 歌词有一句 I JUST CAN GIVE YOU NOW . 一首女生英文歌,歌词是 i just can be,hold me tired ,la la la ,tell me the true love me 一首英文歌,男声,总是重复着I just can't stop……歌名与歌手 谢谢额 有首英文歌的歌词是you got me carzy i just can是什么歌? 歌词it's the way I am feel I just can't deny出自哪首英文歌 帮我翻译一首歌的歌词吧就是迈克尔杰克逊的《I just can't stop loving you》 experience什么时候加s,什么时候不加s?类似的单词有哪些? 用英语翻译短文~~ 黑之契约者Blend in歌词 a lot of experience有没有s three-letter blend word是啥意思? 福音:我的爱必与你同在,直到世界的末了 梦见一只脚穿高跟红靴子的预兆 为什么银行不建议存三年的定期 狮子座男生为什么突然不理你了 【黄道吉日】2020年4月10日黄历查询? 你好,我昨天吃复方感冒灵片,不太见好,请问再配点什么药 【黄道吉日】2018年4月10日黄历查询 鼻塞怎么办?其它症状不明显,鼻涕时清水样涕有时又带点*,现在可以服用复方感冒灵片吗? 我的是外星人M17x R4装固态硬盘用三星840和镁光M4 256G ... 苹果5换一块电池多少钱? 浦科特PX-M5Pro(128GB)三星SSD 840 EVO(120GB)美光m4 CT128M4SSD2(128GB) 浦科特PX-M5Pro(128GB)三星SSD 840 EVO(120GB)美光m4 CT128M iPhone5换一个电池得多少钱呢? 想入手个固态硬盘,求高人推荐 苹果5手机换电池多少钱