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歌曲:how do you do 的歌词是什么?(歌手:befour)

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 14:47



热心网友 时间:2023-09-10 19:07

Artist: Befour Song: How Do You Do How do you do You like me and I like you Come and take me by the hand Cuz I wanna be your friend How do you do You like me and I like you Say how do you do you do How do you do you do When I`m going on each time a holiday And my plane leaves to a place so far away I`m so happy cuz its time to celebrate Oh I feel like I could dance Different people all around the globe don`t know What to say when there`s a stranger I will show That there is a way you can communicate Everybody understands How do you do You like me and I like you Come and take me by the hand Cuz I wanna be your friend How do you do You like me and I like you Say how do you do you do How do you do you do How do you do You like me and I like you Come and take me by the hand Cuz I wanna be your friend How do you do You like me and I like you Say how do you do you do How do you do you do How do you do It`s so easy when you want to make a friend When the sun is shining in a distant land There`s a certain feeling that surrounds your mind And you feel like you can dance When you`re going to the south of Africa To America or to Australia You`ll see people of all colors and all kinds Everybody understands How do you do You like me and I like you Come and take me by the hand Cuz I wanna be your friend How do you do You like me and I like you Say how do you do you do How do you do you do How do you do You like me and I like you Come and take me by the hand Cuz I wanna be your friend How do you do You like me and I like you Say how do you do you do How do you do you do How do you do
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