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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 20:39



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 12:38

1. The deepening globalization of the world economy, the international market aggravated risks, increase the difficulty of foreign trade and exports; 2. The decision by China's national
conditions, China's vast territory, unbalanced economic development, people's lives from the food and clothing to the well-off transition, whether it is the future market development, have huge potential; 3. instrialization, urbanization and modernization process of the economic structure adjustment and upgrade of the domestic market demand for further expansion. * Therefore, China's such a big developing country, the main driving force of economic growth is still domestic demand, this is a solid foundation for economic development.
1 。世界経済のグローバル化の深化、国际市场のリスクは、外国贸易と输出の増加が困难な悪化、中国の国家の条件は、中国の広大な领土、経済発展の不均衡2 。この决定は、食品や衣料品から、人々の生活は裕福な移行、かどうかは、今后の市场となっている开発している巨大な潜在的な; 3 。工业化、都市化と経済构造调整の近代化プロセスと一层の拡大のための国内市场の需要のアップグレードします。 *このため、中国のこのような大きな発展途上国、経済成长の主な原动力は、国内需要は、この経済発展のための强固な基盘です。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 12:38

The world economic gloablization degree deepens, the international market risk intensifies, the trade export difficulty enlarges; 2. decided by our country national condition, our country vast in territory, the economic development is not balanced, lives of the people by warm and sufficient condition to well-off transition, regardless of will be the market absorption capacity or the future develops, the potential will be very huge; 3. the instrialization, the urbanization, the modernization process speeds up, the readjustment of the economic structure promotes, domestic market's demand further expands. * therefore, to our country this kind of developing country, the fuel economic growth most main strength was still the domestic demand, this was our country economic development solid foundation.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 12:39


热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 12:39

The deepening of economic globalization, the international market aggravated risks, increase the difficulty of foreign trade and exports; 2. The decision by China's national conditions, China's vast territory, unbalanced economic development, people's lives from the food and clothing to the well-off transition, whether it is or the future development of market capacity, have huge potential; 3. instrialization, urbanization and modernization process of the economic structure adjustment and upgrade of the domestic market demand for further expansion. * Therefore, China's such a big developing country, the main driving force of economic growth is still domestic demand, this is a solid foundation for economic development.
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