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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 19:42



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 18:41

1 否定句 The children don't a good time in the park.
疑问句 Do the children have a good time in the park?
2否定句There were not about nine hundred people at the concert.
疑问句Were there about nine hundred people at the concert?
3否定句There was not only one problem.
疑问句Was there only one problem?
肯定/否定回答Yes,there was. No,there wasn't.
4否定句Ann didn't do her homework yesterday evening.
一般疑问句Did Ann do her homework yesterday evening?
5否定句Last week I didn't read an English book.
一般疑问句Did you read an English book last week?
肯定/否定回答Yes,I did. No,I didn't
6否定句 My brother was not in the park just now.
一般疑问句Was your brother inthe park just now?
Yes,he was.No,he wasn't.
7否定句:She didn't have some bread for lunch today.
一般疑问句Did she have some bread for lunch today?
肯定/否定回答Yes,she did. No,she didn't.
8. 否定句:They didn't read English last night.
一般疑问句 Did they read English last night?
肯定/否定回答:Yes,they did.No,they didn't.
go goes went going  enjoy enjoys enjoyed enjoying
buy buys bought buyingeat eats ate eating
get gets got getting walk walks walked walking
take takes took taking dance dances danced dancing
write writes wrote writingrun runs ran running
swim swims swam swammingfind finds found finding
begin begins began beginningeat ______ _______ ______
play piays played playingstudy ______ ______ ________

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 18:42

否定句 1,The children didn't have a good time in the park.
一般疑问句:Did the children have a good time in the park?
2. There were about nine hundred people at the concert.(音乐会)
否定句:_There weren't about nine hundred people at the concert.
一般疑问句:Were there about nine hundred people at the concert?

3. There was only one problem.
否定句:there was no problem
一般疑问句:was there any problem?
肯定/否定回答:yes,there was only one problem.
no,there was no problem

4. Ann did her homework yesterday evening.
否定句:Ann didn'ther homework yesterday evening.
一般疑问句:Did Ann do her homework yesterday evening?

5. Last week I read an English book.
否定句: Last week I didn't read an English book
一般疑问句:did you resd an English book last week
肯定/否定回答:yes, i did. no, i didn't.

6. My brother was in the park just now.
否定句:My brother was not in the park just now
一般疑问句:was your brother was in the park just now?
肯定/否定回答:yes,he was in. no,he was not
7. She had some bread for lunch today.
否定句:She had any bread for lunch today.
一般疑问句:did she have some bread for lunch today?
肯定/否定回答:yes,she did. no she didn't
8. They read English last night.
否定句:they didn't read english last night
一般疑问句:did they read english lst night?
肯定/否定回答:_yes ,they did. no they didn't
go _goes went went enjoy enjoys enjoyed enjoyed
buy buies bought boughteat eats ate eaten
get _gets got goten walk walks walked walked
take_takes took token dance dances danced danced
write writes wrote writenrun_runs ran ran
swim_swims swam swumfind finds found found
begin_begins began beganeat _eat eats ate eaten
play plays played playedstudy studys studied studied
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