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2010湖*战热火 科比绝杀是 韦德那时穿的是什么鞋 好像上面有一个小飞人的样子

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 20:10



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 14:39


热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 14:39



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 14:40

According to reports,cheap authentic jerseys, Fanhouse about high school graates have rights directly into the NBA is already many times of discussion, as n Andrew bynum had something to say, he thinks NBA should cancel the age limit.

Even with this Lyon - Smith celebrated rookie failure case, but high in the NBA is a lot of successful high-school player, such as lebron James, Dwight Howard, kobe Bryant and Kevin garnett, after 2 is this year's finals team leader respectively. Data that high school students can not succeed in the NBA's evidence, like Andrew bynum as long as he doesn't hurt, he is a lakers team this championship starting center, in addition to his more success on the pitch, these are successful cases.

Bynum only 22 years old, but he graally became in the past four years, the cornerstone of the finals with a knee injury suffered bynum showed more mature age. He speaks like a man, he accomplished his deal with the media,cheap NFL jerseys, talk, talk about a recent book before accepting the treatment. He is the typical signs that high school instead of bad example Smith, bynum also thinks NBA should cancel the so-called age limit,Obama predicted the lakers Jersey will be defend, make excellent high school player to join the NBA.

"These (rules) need to change." Bynum Fanhouse told reporters about the change rules of age, he thinks the draft rules now is not far-fetched, access to set limits and 19 year in college students must stay. "Anyone who didn't say: 'you no reason in NBA.' ability to understand that these reasons.

In 2005, Andrew bynum to 18 years old and join the NBA at the age of six days, he became the youngest NBA rookie, then set age limit for the NBA,discount NHL jerseys, bynum's age is no longer break records. "For me it." Bynum said even oneself is not the most young record holder. "But I don't want to deprive others in the NBA right, because even rule changes, I still is probably the most young players."

Age limit rules, different opinions in the NBA now exist within the agreed, and the opposition half, they released in 2005 after rules for results, all have different opinions.

"I've been to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the rules. The celtics coach doc rivers said. - "I think if you are good enough, you will qualify for the NBA. Everyone has their own choice, like Michael dell (dell computer founder, school founded company) will have no choice, perhaps rules for still not changed, I just tell me."

Bynum relative rivers, he wants to see more radical changes, he thinks the rules to college is not the life complete. "Of course, you directly to the NBA natural face more difficult." Bynum said. "When you were a child, do not choose university and choose professional sports, this is very difficult choices. People always say ecation, but I think that there are still many people to enter the university, but they have enough ability to the NBA, you make them? I don't understand this rule is needed."

Bynum high average scores achieved 3.8 points and he has the ability to get enough basketball scholarship and into a famous university, but eventually he chose the NBA. He thinks NBA should give all like him, especially those who cannot enter good university, in the NBA.

But from the Angle of high rigid rules is indeed, brandon - Jennings cannot read the university must go to play in Europe, may tell us the example is not perfect, the age limit for perfection really need.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 14:40

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热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 14:41

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