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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 21:29



懂视网 时间:2022-09-12 11:30


2、1973年4月,郎平进入北京工人体育馆少年体校排球班练习排球。1976年,进入北京市业余体校,同年入选北京市排球队。1978年,入选国家集训队。1981年,随中国女排夺得第3届世界杯冠军,获“优秀运动员奖”。1982年,随中国队获得第九届世界女排锦标赛冠军,并荣膺世界女子排球锦标赛MVP 。1984年,随中国队获得洛杉矶奥运会女排比赛金牌,协助中国女排实现三连冠。1986年,郎平宣布退役。


热心网友 时间:2023-01-22 19:56



In 1973, Lang Ping entered the volleyball class of Beijing Workers' Gymnasium youth sports school to practice volleyball. In 1976, he entered the Beijing Amateur Sports School and was selected into the Beijing volleyball team in the same year. 

In 1978, he was selected into the national training team. In 1981, she won the 3rd world cup with the Chinese women's volleyball team and won the "excellent athlete Award". 

In 1982, he won the Ninth World Women's Volleyball Championship with the Chinese team and won the "MVP" of the world women's Volleyball Championship. 

In 1984, he won the gold medal with the Chinese team in the women's volleyball team of the Los Angeles Olympic Games and helped the Chinese women's volleyball team achieve three consecutive championships. 

In 1985, Lang Ping retired and entered the Foreign Language Department of Beijing Normal University to study English.









热心网友 时间:2023-01-22 21:14

Lang Ping, one of the most famous and respected indivials in the history of volleyball, has been hired as the new head coach for the US Women's National Volleyball Team. What if her team collides with the women from her homeland in the 2008 Beijing Olympics? It is hard for her fans to imagine but it is possible. For Lang, it is harder.

The acceptance seems quite natural in a way. Lang, mother of a 12-year-old girl named Lydia who now lives in Tustin, California, with her father, hopes that she can be around to share the joys and pains of he daughter's adolescent life.

"It is the only choice left if I want to take care of both my career and my family," said Lang, who used to coach volleyball clubs in Italy. "It was only after long and meticulous consideration that I made the decision to take the job," she said ring an interview with Shanghai-based Dragon TV.

Lang was approached by USA Volleyball as early as 2000, but at that time, she turned down the offer. "I give dominant priority to the interests of my country," said Lang. "I have promised I will never coach any national team until the Chinese team reaches its apex. Now the team is in a very good condition and the girls will continue their good performance and become better."

Setting qualification for the Beijing Olympics as a modest first goal, Lang refrained from over-estimating the ability of the US team.

"It will be a great honor if the US Women's Volleyball Team meets China in the final in the Beijing Olympics," she said. "But it seems the biggest competitor to the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team is not the US team but rather the teams from Cuba, Brazil and Russia."

In the eyes of the Chinese people, Lang is far more than just a volleyball star. A member of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team that inspired an early-1980s China, which had just emerged from seclusion and started out on a path of robust economic development, Lang is still regarded as one the nation's spiritual idols.

"As one of the most influential athletes and a spiritual leader of Chinese volleyball, Lang Ping's influence over China and world volleyball far exceeds the sport itself," said Gu Donghui, a sociologist from Fudan University.

"If Lang collides with China as opponents ring women's volleyball matches at the Beijing Olympics, it will be difficult to accept for the new generation of Chinese players, for coach Chen Zhonghe who was once her assistant and for the 1.3 billion Chinese in the stadium or in front of their TV sets," said an editorial of China Olympic Xingkong, the China Olympic Committee's authorized website.

History can be mirrored. When He Zhili, a former Chinese table tennis player who later married a Japanese man and chose Japanese nationality, snatched a gold medal for Japan after beating Chinese player Deng Yaping in the 1994 Asian Games, the whole country poured hatred and anger on her, although she was no longer a Chinese.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-22 22:49

Lang Ping (simplified Chinese: 郎平, also known as Jenny Lang Ping, born December 10, 1960 in Tianjin, China; Ethnic Manchus), is a Chinese volleyball player. She has been the head coach of the U.S. women's national volleyball team since February 7, 2005. Her nickname is "Iron Hammer" (simplified Chinese: 铁榔头).

According to USA Volleyball, Lang was a member of the China women's national volleyball team that won an Los Angeles Olympic gold medal over the United States at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, a World Championship crown in 1982 in Peru and World Cup titles in 1981 and 1985.

In 1995, Lang became the head coach of the Chinese national team and eventually guided the squad to the silver medal at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia and second place at the 1998 World Championships in Japan. Lang Ping resigned the coach position in 1998 e to health reasons. In the following year, she took the coach position in an Italian volley club, where she won the Best Woman Volleyball Coach in Italy of the year multiple times. In 2002, she became an inctee of the Volleyball Hall of Fame in Holyoke, Massachusetts.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-23 00:40

Lang Ping, was born in Tianjin, China, known as Jenny Lang Ping, is one of the most famous and respected indivials in the history of volleyball. She was hired as the head coach of the USA women's national volleyball team on February 7, 2005. Her nickname is "Iron Hammer" (simplified Chinese: 铁榔头). She is considered by many a "national hero" in China and her name is immediately recognizable among Chinese over 30. According to USA Volleyball


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