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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-17 10:02



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 20:55

My favorte food's apple.But i also like banana.because it's very delicious.It's really a kind of healthy food ,and it tastes good .As for vegetables ,I like tomatoes .It's full of Vc ,I think it's good for me .Meet is not bad .I really like beef ,especially beef and tomato soup .I think it's the most delicious food .Don't you agree with me ? so i
like two fris.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 20:55

Like many people ,I want to keep in good health .So Ilike healthy food best .My favorite food is banana .It's really a kind of healthy food ,and it tastes good .As for vegetables ,I like tomatoes .It's full of Vc ,I think it's good for me .Meet is not bad .I really like beef ,especially beef and tomato soup .I think it's the most delicious food .Don't you agree with me ?

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 20:56

课题名称:The little Indian boy
The little Indian boy wakes up. He washes his face. He has breakfast. He says to his mummy, ‘Oooooooooo! I’m going to play.’
He walks down the garden path, Walk, whistle, walk, whistle, walk, whistle. He opens and closes the green gate. Dang!
There’s a twisty road. He walks down the twisty road, walk, whistle, walk, ,whistle.
There’s a dark wood, He goes into the dark wood, quietly. Sh! Sh! Sh! Sh! Sh! He walks through the dark wood , tip, toe, tip, toe., tip, toe.
There’s a deep river! He swims across the deep river. Swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim.
There’s a steep hill. He climbs the steep hill. Hei hu, hei hu, hei hu.
There’s a cave! It’s a very dark cave! He looks into the dark cave, peep, peep, peep, peep, peep, peep. He listens.
Nothing. He goes into the dark cave. Creep, creep, creep, creep, creep, creep. Deeper and deeper and deeper, and deeper and deeper and deeper, into the dark cave….Ah ah, ah ah, ah ah…! A lion.
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