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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 22:01



热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 17:23

English introction of Li Yu Chun
Age: 21 heights: 1.74 weight: 50 kgs
Homeplace: Cheng
Nationality: Han
Constellation: Pisces
Profession: Common performance
Ecation background: Now an Undergraate
Blood type: A
Interests: Sing, dance and sleep
Maxim: Young people never fail.

Chinese showbiz rarely proces icons. Sure, there are the dozen or so movie actors who can carry a film, and the odd rocker who fills a stadium. But seldom does a face on China's small screen really stand out. Even singing, the national pastime and TV staple, seems reserved for an interchangeable lineup of warbling coquettes, husky crooners and jolly fellows in brass stars and epaulets belting out odes to red flags.

Which helps explain how a 21-year-old Sichuanese music student named Li Yuchun has become one of the most popular figures in China. In August, Li won a televised American Idol-like singing contest proced by Hunan province's Entertainment Channel and bearing its own inimitable name: "Mongolian Cow Sour Yogurt Super Girl's Voice." (Its sponsor makes yogurt.) The show drew the largest audiences in the history of Chinese television. As the competition narrowed, the media covered it like a war or the O.J. Simpson trial. By the time the finale aired, some 400 million people were tuning in.

The Li Yuchun phenomenon, however, goes far beyond her voice, which even the most ardent fans admit is pretty weak: her vocal range drifts between Cher territory and that place your little brother's voice went the summer before seventh grade. As a dancer, she's not much better. Hei Nan, one of the event's judges, told the Guangzhou Daily that Li was "the worst of the top six in terms of singing skills," but noted that she garnered the most audience votes.

What Li did possess was attitude, originality and a proud androgyny that defied Chinese norms. During the tryouts—in which 150,000 contestants were winnowed to 15—Li wore loose jeans and a black button-down shirt, with no make-up and the haircut (and body) of David Bowie ring his Space Oddity phase. She auditioned with In My Heart There's Only You, Never Her, an oldie made famous by Taiwan's Liu Wenzheng—a man. In the main competition she sang other songs written for male performers and called herself "a tomboy." For an audience reared on the bubble-gum, lip-gloss standards of Chinese girl pop, Li's disregard for the rule book proced an unfamiliar knee-weakening. Her fans wept openly and frantically shrieked when Li took the stage. The show ruffled feathers among Beijing's commissars. By the final episode, Li and her two remaining rivals had switched their repertoire to patriotic folk songs

Li's victory was unusual in other ways: like American Idol, but unlike China itself, "Super Girl's Voice" is run democratically. Eight million SMS votes flooded in on the night of the finale. For a few weeks after, the mainland press debated the relevance of this format. "Only something that smashes social norms could elicit such a response," Yu Guoming, a media expert at People's University, told the Beijing News. "After all, in China the opportunities to use votes to choose are relatively few." An editorial in the China Daily wondered: "How come an imitation of a democratic system ends up selecting the singer who has the least ability to carry a tune?" As Li prepares for a nationwide tour with the other finalists, her handlers are loath to discuss the political dimensions of the program or of Li's triumph. Hunan Entertainment Channel refused TIME's requests to interview or photograph Li. According to one of her many agents, they were worried the story would portray Li as more than just an entertainer. But she is more: Li represents unabashed indiviality, and that's why she's a national icon.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 17:24


热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 17:24


热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 17:25


我相信在未来的日子里,李宇春会走得更好!I like liyuchun, a draft star. She was born in chengdu, 1984, a natural pure girl. When the play, she gave the audience left a deep impression. Someone says she red but two years, but the time past, liyuchun's fame did not cut,...


Li Yuchun (Chinese: 李宇春; pinyin: Lǐ Yǔchūn) is a Chinese pop singer, who achieved instant fame when she won the nation-wide singing contest Super Girl in 2005. She is now working with Taihe Rye Music and released her first album "The Queen and the Dreams" in September ...


Chinese showbiz rarely produces icons. Sure, there are the dozen or so movie actors who can carry a film, and the odd rocker who fills a stadium. But seldom does a face on China's small screen really stand out. Even singing, the national pastime and TV staple, seems reserved...


English introduction of Li Yu Chun Age: 21 heights: 1.74 weight: 50 kgs Homeplace: Chengdu Nationality: Han Constellation: Pisces Profession: Common performance Education background: Now an Undergraduate Blood type: A Interests: Sing, dance and sleep Idol: SHAKIRA and RICKY MARTIN Max...

李宇春 英文介绍

有一个女孩,她的名字叫李宇春。英文名字是 CHRIS LEE.她是2005年的超级女生冠军 。她是一个邻家女孩的女孩,舞台下安静,舞台上疯狂。她是美丽的天使,给我们很多勇气和力量。从2005年走到现在,她一直很努力的追求自己的梦想 。很多的喜欢她,支持她。也有很多人不喜欢 排斥她。五年了,她和她的...


3年前,李宇春(她的英文名是Chris Lee)赢得了一场叫作超级女声的歌唱比赛。她一直以来在中国流行音乐界寻找着自己的风格和方向。这些都开始于那场比赛,一场类似于美国偶像的蒙牛酸酸乳超级女声比赛。2005年7月,大约4亿中国电视观众在关注拥有中性面貌和爆炸头的李宇春。她的歌迷通过短信投票的方式,让...


李宇春简介: 英文名:CHRIS 昵称:小宇.春哥.在成都以前被称为[帅帅" 生日:1984年3月10日 籍贯:成都 身高:174CM 星座:双鱼 学校:四川音乐学院 学历:本科在读 爱好:唱歌.跳舞.睡觉 欣赏的人:SHAKIRA.RICKY MARTIN 曾获奖项:第七届全国推新人大赛区四川赛区[新人奖" 首届CCTV全国校园歌手大赛区四川赛区特别奖 首...


【资料】:李宇春简介 介绍 简历 姓名: 李宇春 英文名: ChrisLee 昵称: 小宇 OR 春春 小葱 宗师 生日: 3月10日 籍贯: 成都 民族: 汉 身高: 175CM 体重: 50kg 星座: 双鱼 血型: A 学校: 毕业于四川音乐学院 学历: 本科 语言: 中文、英文 性格: 内外兼修 爱好: 唱歌,跳舞,...


姓 名:李宇春 英文名:Chris Lee 昵 称:春春、小葱、小宇等 性 别:女 生 日:1984年3月10日 生 肖:鼠 星 座:双鱼座 籍 贯:中国四川成都 民 族:汉族 身 高:176CM 体 重:50公斤 血 型:A型 鞋 码:38 学 校:小学---成铁一小 中学---新都一中 大学---四川音乐学院 专 ...


姓名:李宇春英文名: Chris 昵称: 小宇 OR 春哥生日: 1984年3月10日年龄:21岁籍贯:成都民族:汉身高:174CM星座:双鱼血型:A学校:四川音乐学院专业:通俗演唱学历:本科在读性格:内外兼修爱好:唱歌,跳舞,睡觉特长:唱歌欣赏的人:SHAKIRA、RICKY MARTIN欣赏的歌手:丁薇体重:50公斤喜欢的颜色:黑,蓝喜欢的卡通片:蜡笔小新...

李宇春的介绍 李宇春是哪里的人 李宇春的照片 李宇春的年龄是多少 李宇春的家世 李宇春的歌 李宇春个人资料简介及 李宇春近照 李宇春最近情况
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