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1.In the Shawshank Redemption(肖声克的救赎),who was you

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-17 00:35



热心网友 时间:2024-01-31 00:57

Andy Dufresne - The protagonist. The former vice president of a bank in Portland, Maine, Andy is thirty years old when he arrives at Shawshank and approximately fifty-eight when he escapes. A short, neat, meticulous man with sandy blond hair, he has small hands and wears gold-rimmed glasses. Most of the other inmates think that Andy is cold and snobbish because he’s always so calm and composed, rarely revealing his inner thoughts or true character. Andy eventually becomes the prison librarian and financial wizard, offering free tax advice to guards and wardens in exchange for protection and favors. He’s one of the few innocent inmates at Shawshank.

The biggest conflict is that andy is innocent and his wife is dead. A second conflict branching off from that is that a prisoner who comes in the movie much later knows the man who actually murdered Andy's wife, and is willing to testify. However, he is shot by a guard in order to avoid a mess of trials and whatnot.

Some minor conflicts are: Andy being harassed and molested by the Sisters (a group of several other prisoners) early on in the movie; Red (Morgan Freeman) not allowing himself to come to terms for what he's done and be granted parole; the sense that once you're in Shawshank, that is your life. It is difficult, after many years of imprisonment, to join the world again (Brooks' story). Finally, a conflict in the movie is the corruption of the warden.
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