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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-18 00:52



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 00:18

Summer vacation, I went to the west lake in hangzhou. First to visit on the causeway. I see the west lake, the water is so green, is a kind of dark green, is a kind of soft green, green can't see the bottom. This kind of green and green trees on the hill across the together, the rows of willows beside the lake, draw on each other. To form a beautiful picture scroll. One side of the lake, there are a lot of lotus to outshine each other to open up, under the green lotus leaves set off is more beautiful, more red. One side of a piece, that one big lotus looks really make one's mouth water. Today, I finally understand the poem written in "endless blue day lotus plants, video on lotus another red". Walking through the causeway and su causeway to play. There are several monopoly speciality of hangzhou, a variety of local features crafts are ling lang see everywhere. Walk the su causeway, here we are in a lake, there are hangzhou and zhejiang museum, because it is summer vacation, have free open to students and tourists. Then, went to a scenic spot: it is a park. My parents and I and the parents of a friend. The name of the park, I forget, only know 5 meters above sea level. Is a good place for summer. Trees are very dense, only a few silk sunlight to come in, appear very quiet. See the beautiful scenery here, we took a few photos in the park. To finally a scenic spots, and I saw the west lake, there are many people boating on the lake, a, on microwave showed that charming west lake, it's no wonder that men of letters written numerous articles. The setting sun is coming, I have to leave, the west lake, how beautiful you are, I will never forget you!

上午去烧香,晚上梦见僵尸要吃我 ...电梯顶层的上方看到死人半个身子 我我掉头走后 被吓醒了 郁_百度知... 我两次梦见去逛商场然后电梯(上升的,带扶手的)塌了,丧尸出来,我和一群... 梦见在丧尸要咬我然后被我一脚踢进电梯它里半个身体出来了还想咬,然后... 香港hpv九价预约官网网址 电脑所有的电线有哪些电脑有哪些连接线 电脑电源那么多线起什么作用电脑电源连接线有多少个基本的都有什么作用... 显示器要接几根线 ...连接线是9芯的,谁知道是哪几条有用,哪几条没有用,各是什么颜色... mbr平板膜可以倒着放么 三角函数中正角是否大于负角 正角 负角的大小如何比较。负号是只表示旋转方向呢,还是参与大小比较... 正角是不是一定大于负角? 正角大于负角吗 正角与负角的大小比较 负角和正角可以比大小吗?是不是正角比负角大? [高考]三角函数中正角与负角大小比较 正角一定比负角大吗?? 正角比负角大吗 支付宝挂号怎么用医保卡交钱 社保补贴金要缴纳个税吗 明锐仪表盘如何退出音响模式 移动音响模式转换键是哪个 餐补交个税吗? Ha ha ha谐音歌词,要有谁唱的 问一个字的写法 有没有包装好看又健康的卫生巾? 马陵山玻璃栈道现在还开放吗 对老公爱玩失望的短句子 92年阴历三月初二寅时生人命怎么样 英语翻译:我最喜欢的电影是《变形金刚》。二十多年前,一群有生命的机器... ...最小公倍数是84最大公因数是14大数不是小数的倍数这两个数是多少... 两个数的最大公因数是14,最小公倍数是84.这两个数可能是多少 两个自然数的差是14,他们最大公因数是14,最小公倍数是84,他们 各是多... ...提交辞职信.但是要保留回执单.请问回执单是怎么到寄件人手里的._百 ... 窗户能承受几级风 海螺中南智能机器人有限责任公司是国企 我的世界PE自动农田村民种着种就不种了必须要在给他才能继续种_百度知 ... 这个发型叫什么,怎么打理? ...来到底温是四度,高温六度,请问多肉还能不能放外面露养? 影石360x3256g能录制多久视频 粉末涂料喷涂经常堵枪是什么原因 影石360x3如何拍延时摄影视频 斯柯达明锐2015逸杰版加满一箱油多少钱 如何用手机蓝牙传送照片到电脑? 伊川县江左镇到郸城多少公里 外贸英语翻译(回答的好的给予悬赏) 云冈石窟儒释道三教造像俱全对吗 想知道:重庆市 从奉节长途汽车站到白帝城怎么坐公交? 欠款到了时间是不是就能起诉