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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-18 04:42



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 06:19

Born in the 1980s, Liu Xiang is one of the best athletes in our country. He is good at running and 110 meters hurdles. He is even the most capable hurdler in the world. He keeps the best record of 12.88 seconds until now. No one has the ability to break it so far. Among lots of TV programmes, I like the sport games best. And the 110 hurdles races are the most exciting games in them. Everytime I see Liu Xiang running in the track, shouting wildly after the races, I find myself is full of passion in my heart. Especially, the moment when he gets the first prize on the stage,I can't help applauding for his excellent performance. I am deeply moved by his spirit and his great ambitions. The sports spirit of Liu Xiang also inspires me a lot in my life and study. As a young man, Liu Xiang is the best example of making every effort to develop his sport career and break so many records, though he has got many medals now.I think this spirit is worth to learned by all of us. With this ambition, we could defeat any difficulties in our lives and works. Affected by his restless soul, I will never give up and insist my ideals. As one of his fans, I hope that Liu Xiang could do well in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and win more gold medals for our country. I support him forever in my heart. As for myself, I will work as hard as him to make more progress in my study.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 06:20

long distance run requires enrance and stamina. practice makes perfect.追答long distance run requires enrance and stamina. practice makes perfect.

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