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A little girl in the world中文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 04:12



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 04:37

'm a little girl and living in this little world for twenty years
我是一个小小的女孩 在这个小小的世界生活了20年
Sometimes I just wonder
and I'm not tall enough to reach the sky
我还是不够高 到达天空。
I'm a little girl
in love with the sunflower who shined in love
我是一个小小的女孩 爱上被阳光所爱的向日葵
I thought it was a dream
but now it's sharing every moment in my place with me
Could you tell me was lost and find in my life
你可不可以告诉我 我生活里的迷失和出现
I feel like i'm not completed
but I'm already in the love from girl
不过从我还是女孩开始 我已经爱上了。
Could you tell me was lost and find in my life
你可不可以告诉我 我生活里的丢失和出现的东西

What he's been giving me
and what time gonna get with holding me
Could you tell me was lost and find in my life
你可不可以告诉我 我生活里的丢失和出现的东西

I feel like i'm not completed
but I'm already in the love from girl
不过从我还是女孩开始 我已经爱上了。

Could you tell me was lost and find in my life
你可不可以告诉我 我生活里的丢失和出现的东西

What he's been giving me

and what time gonna get with holding me


热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 04:37

Little girl in the world

I'm a little girl
and living in this little world for twenty years

Sometimes I just wonder
and I'm not tall enough to reach the sky

I'm a little girl
in love with the sunflower who shined in love

I thought it was a dream
but now it's sharing every moment in
my place with me

Could you tell me was lost and find in my life
I feel like i'm not completed
but I'm already in the love from girl

Could you tell me was lost and find in my life
What he's been giving me
and what time gonna get with holding me

Could you tell me was lost
and find in my life

I feel like i'm not completed
but I'm already in the love from girl

Could you tell me was lost and find in my life
What he's been giving me
and what time gonna get with holding me

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 04:38


热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 04:39

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