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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 03:56



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 04:30

1. The cartoons and animation as part of fine arts, from art of an Angle display human culture and civilization, reflecting the human spirit. In today's world has also developed in the United States and Japan, the Japan headed situation outstandingly 2. In China, the traditional thought of limit, the domestic many parents think engaged in cartoon creation, cartoon film is raffish can affect a child's learning, for anime often disapprove 3. Chinese cartoon character modelling mediocrity even repulsive, body scale distortion; Management of cartoon audience mistake positioning, cause animation audience customer group age levels and do not have a single consumption level, not fashionable mainstream, many cartoon only for youth children.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 04:31

1. These manga and anime as art, from the Angle of human art show civilization and culture reflects human spiritual power. In today's world has also developed in the United States and Japan, Japan's leading particularly prominent 2. In China, the traditional theory of limit, the domestic many parents think engaged in cartoon creation, cartoon movie is raffish can affect a child's learning, for animation often disapprove of 3. Chinese cartoon character modelling mediocrity even abominable and bod

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 04:31

The cartoons and animation as part of fine arts, from art of an Angle display human culture and civilization, reflecting the human spirit. In today's world has also developed in the United States and Japan, the Japan headed situation outstandingly 2. In China, the traditional thought of limit, the domestic many parents think engaged in cartoon creation, cartoon film is raffish can affect a child's learning, for anime often disapprove 3. Chinese cartoon character modelling mediocrity even repulsive, body scale distortion; Management of cartoon audience mistake positioning, cause animation audience customer group age levels and do not have a single consumption level, not fashionable mainstream, many cartoon only for youth children.信我的没错

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 04:32



1. The cartoons and animation as part of fine arts, from art of an Angle display human culture and civilization, reflecting the human spirit. In today's world has also developed in the United States and Japan, the Japan headed situation outstandingly 2. In China, the traditional...


I’m not used to these symptoms, when've I ever had them?不曾拥有,又怎会习惯 I have ve never been able to peek at anyone all day.我从未偷偷注视一个人一整天/那么久 I have never been familiar with being lovestruck.我从未被深深爱过。You make me have it so much easily, I...

麻烦英语达人帮忙翻译,只要人工不要机器的,谢谢了,翻译的!准!可以追 ...

通常来说,无生命的机器是不会有感觉的,但麻省理工大学计算机系的Posalind Picard教授认为,计算机要更有效的工作,“感情”是必不可少的。她说,计算机需要被赋予一定的人造感情,以此更好的领会用户的要求,同时也能更好的自我分析、自我发展。“如果我们想让计算机变得更聪明,与人更协调,更自然的交...


if you can count the quantity of the Tower of Linglong, then you could be the big brother.But if you cant do it, you will be punished to kneel until tomorrow moring.自己翻译给你的。


1.Kate three layers lower than me. She lives on the third floor 2 he would at least stay in London for six months 3. There is no other room four building .There is only one toilet and study 4.I want my father to take me to visit the Great Wall ...

英语达人帮忙 汉译英 机器不给分 歌词翻译

是否能平静不会想现在 could your heart be at peace and let go of the present?只是因为你拥有了爱 That's all because you've fallen in love 如果这就是爱 If this is love 再转身就该勇敢留下来 we should stay after turning around 就算受伤 even with pain 就算流泪 and tears 都是...


为了我,没有你我即和这个世界也我自己世界毫无关系(我不会在乎其它任何事)。Once you held my hands , the moment (second) stopped counting (time stopped),一旦你牵着我的手,这一时刻时钟停止运转。The moments of dying (aching) for you taught me how to live,在为你死去的这一时刻...


from various places, and to offer to customers of the new era, a comfortable, fully featured hotel for relaxation.Key words: Theme Hotel; Film Elements; Experience-Based; Landmark 注: 也有将“标志性”译为“Symbolic”,但Symbolic当抽象概念的标志解, 此处Landmark应该更准确些。


Do you know how much i care about you?


你好,很高兴可以帮助你。以下是我自己翻的:My account ID is lidong. I haven't received the 300 dollars you sent from paypal on 8th August, please let me know where the problem is.

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