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求D.O. chanyeol《Nothing On You》准确的歌词,急!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 21:29



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 18:50

If I told you I was perfect I'd be lying
If there's something I'm not doing girl I'm trying
I know I'm no angel, girl, but I'm not so bad, no, no, no
If you see me at the party conversating
That doesn't mean telephone numbers are exchanging
I know I'm no angel, girl, but I'm not so bad, no, no, no
you should know there's beautiful girls all over the world I could be chasing
but my time would be wasted, they got nothing you baby, nothing on you baby
oh, they might say hi, and I might say hey
but you shouldn't worry about what they say
cuz they got nothing on you baby, nothing on you, baby
there's no much nonsense
it's on my conscience
i'm thinking baby i should get it out
and i don't wanna sound rendant
but i was wondering if there was something that you wanna know
but never mind that we should let it go (let it go)
cos we don't wanna be a t.v episode (episode)
and all the bad thoughts just let them go (go, go, go)
beautiful girls all over the world I could be chasing
but my time would be wasted, they got nothing you baby, nothing on you baby
yeah, they might say hi, and I might say hey
but you shouldn't worry about what they say
cuz they got nothing on you baby, nothing on you, baby
(break it down)
beautiful girls, look at all you beautiful girls, they got nothing on yoooouuuuuu, baby
nothing on you baby, nothing on you, baby, wooohooooohoooo
they got nothing on you baby, no, no, no, no, no
ohhh there's beautiful girls, yeah, yeah
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