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how can we live a stress-free life英语作文一篇

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 01:40



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 10:35

Stress is the result of the building up of depressing thoughts, and it is also the storing up of worries. Everyone have their worries, mainly financial ones, why? Because no one obeyed the golden rule about money management, 'never spend more than you earn.' And here I add a second one, 'have a strong will, never give into your greed and desires.' Greed and desire for more are a part of the human nature, I'm not telling you to expel them, try to embrace them.
Having an open mind is the key to a healthy life. Constant exercise on the sport that you enjoy, a balanced diet, an active social life and no drugs or drinks involved (occasional is OK) are also important aspects of a stress-free life. But it's ultimately what you think life is that matters. If you think life is a chance for you to earn money, then I can't help you. Try to enjoy the tiny happinesses and appreciate everything around you, try to be positive. Try thinking I'm blessed to have such a good quality life, try comparing yourself with the worse off people around the world, you'll feel and know how lucky you are.
It is the mind that decides whether your life is stress-free or not. Psychology of the human mind ventures deep within after all.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 10:35

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