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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 01:58



热心网友 时间:2024-11-09 20:07

  always with me 千与千寻
  内心深处在呼唤你 我要找到你
  虽然悲伤在重演 但我仍坚信不已
  我们总是擦肩而过 但我*为力
  虽然前途很渺茫 但我仍寻找光明

  莫明的生存然后死去 我不知为何来到这里
  我的梦想一次次的破碎 不想回忆心中悲伤



  在梦中时时梦到你 你会在那里
  无论路途多么艰险 我都不会哭泣
  'Cause I believe
  you can always always with me
  so I can't feel fear and become strong and strong


  当太阳从东方升起 唤醒沉睡大地
  所有的闪耀都在身边 you always with me
  'Cause you always with me
  you always with me

  歌名:Always with me
  Somewhere I fall is causing the death of my heart

  May I always be dreaming the dreams that put my heart

  So many tears of sadness on count to go through and through

  I know oh on the other side up there I’ll find you

  Every time we find out to the ground we look up

  to the blue sky about we wait to is blueness as I follow for a style

  build a Road is long and lonely and the end far away

  I look sad , I can wait the true answer and raise the lights

  as I beg forever my heart stops in term of the net I feel

  my silent turn to body begin to listen to what is real

  the wonder of living, the wonder of dying

  the wind town and flowers below there want a unity



  somewhere I fall is causing the death of my heart

  keep dreaming your dreams, don’t ever let them pass

  while speak of form your sadness of our lives went forward

  instead let the thin lips sing a junk song just for you

  but when we wait for the ring voice , we never want to fall again

  we need to well since memory always there to guide you

  when a mirror has been broken track to pieces gather around on the ground

  gin soaks you, lies we fled it around

  winter of beginning still needs you light up the dawn

  let my silent tend to body be filled their red pond

  no need to search outside north they look cross the sea

  cause you try inside me

  it’s right here inside me

  I find the brightness

  It’s always with me


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