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Here And Now (Mix Fo Life Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 14:47



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 13:39

歌曲名:Here And Now (Mix Fo Life Album Version)
专辑:Mix Of Life - Zoegirl Remixed

Steps-Here And Now
Here and now, I wanna be the one for you
In everything you want me to
'Cos I couldn't live if we're apart
Time, is running out for you and me
'Cos nothing's what it's used to be
I guess I'm the only one to blame
But I promise you to make it right
Forget all the sorrows you bare within tonight
Believe in me when I say...
Here and now, I wanna be the one for you
And everything you want me to
'Cos I couldn't live if we're apart
Say, there's something I can do
If I can make it up to you
For everytime I let you down
And I promise you to make it right
Forget all the sorrows you bear within tonight
Believe in me when I say...
Here and now, I wanna be the one for you
And everything you want me to
'Cos I couldn't live if we're apart
Here and now, let's tear down the walls together
It's better late then never
I know that we will find away, here and now
I'll be there for you, there for you, there for you
Here and nowwwwwwwwwww
Here and now, I wanna be the one for you (wanna be the one)
And everything you want me to
'Cos I couldn't live if we're apart
Here and now, I wanna fall in love again
And try to be the best I can
So give me a chance to win your heart
Here and now, I wanna be the one for you
And everything you want me to
'Cos I couldn't live if we're apart
Here and now, I wanna fall in love again
And try to be the best I can
So give me a chance to win your heart
(Here and now)

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