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we dont have to take our clothes 谁唱的

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 19:15



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 19:02

歌曲:We Dont Have To Take Our Clothes Off

歌手:Ella Eyre

Adele, Leona Lewis同门师妹,90后英伦小妮子 埃拉·艾尔(Ella Eyre) 于2014年摘得BBC年度新声亚军 。其声线嘶哑附带着毛刺,但不失酣畅淋漓的大气之感,其创作的作品不仅具有着浓烈的英伦味道,更渗入了牙买加雷鬼,黑人灵魂乐等元素。Ella曾与Rudimental, Naughty Boy等多位大牌合作,在UK金榜上获得非常不错的成绩。埃拉以其金色碎卷发著名,狂野夸张但不浓妆艳抹造型倍受英国歌迷喜爱。


外文名:Ella Eyre

国    籍:英国

出生地:英国 伦敦


职    业:歌手

毕业院校:BRIT School of Arts

经纪公司:Virgin EMI(维京唱片)

代表作品:Waiting All Night,If I Go,Deeper


热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 19:03

所属专辑:We Dont Have To Take Our Clothes Off

演唱者:Ella Eyre; Bortharm

We Don’t Have to Take Our Clothes Off歌词:

Not a word, from your lips
You just took for granted that I want to skinny dip
A quick hit, that's your game
But I'm not a piece of meat, stimulate my brain
The night is young, so are we
Let's get to know each other, slow and easily
Take my hand, let's hit the floor
Shake our bodies to the music
Maybe then you'll score

So come on baby, won't you show some class
Why do you have to move so fast?
We don't have to take our clothes off
To have a good time
Oh no
We could dance & party all night
And drink some cherry wine
Uh huh

Just slow down if you want me
A man wants to be approached cool & romantically
I've got needs
Just like you
If the conversations good
Vibrations through & through

So come on baby, won't you show some class
Why do you have to move so fast?
We don't have to take our clothes off
To have a good time
Oh no
We could dance & party all night
And drink some cherry wine

(×2) We don't have to take our clothes off
To have a good time
Oh no
We could dance & party all night
And drink some cherry wine
we dont have to take our clothes 谁唱的

歌曲:We Dont Have To Take Our Clothes Off 歌手:Ella Eyre Adele, Leona Lewis同门师妹,90后英伦小妮子 埃拉·艾尔(Ella Eyre) 于2014年摘得BBC年度新声亚军 。其声线嘶哑附带着毛刺,但不失酣畅淋漓的大气之感,其创作的作品不仅具有着浓烈的英伦味道,更渗入了牙买加雷鬼,黑人灵魂乐等元素。

In fact it is just ___ ___ ___,but Betty w

Even though, everywhere he go he in demand And gotta give you no E to try to sneak in ya pants We dont have to take our clothes off To have a good time, oh no We can just chill and kick it all night (kick it all night)Cause it feels so right (feels so right) ca...

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You know I'm trying hard to take it back So if by the time the bar closes And you feel like falling down I'll carry you home Tonight We are young So let's set the world on fire We can burn brighter Than the sun Tonight We are young So let's set the world on fire...

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