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求助:英语翻译 ,不要在线翻译的 。

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 12:43



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 16:57

Elementary student's aggressive behavior most makes the matter which one has a headache, is also the consequence most serious one misdeed. But the teacher and the guardian will neglect or do not have the stitch in time elementary student's aggressive behavior frequently, will therefore cause the aggressor and can receive by the aggressor the varying degree the adverse effect. This article through take the Zhuhai nine continent elementary schools as an example, investigates the elementary student aggressive behavior the phenomenon, analysis in aggressive behavior gender differences, grade difference as well as attack by chance difference and so on. Unifies parents' ecation way, teacher's ecation instruction manner and the way, student indivial analyses and so on factor obtains one to rectify the elementary student aggressive behavior the plan.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 16:57

The primary attack is the headache, is one of the most serious consequences. But the teachers and parents often neglected or not timely treatment of primary attack, so that the attacker and the attacker will be different degree of adverse effects. Based in zhuhai jiuzhou primary school pupils as an example, survey and analysis of the phenomenon of attack against gender differences in behavior, grade differences and attack the preference difference, etc. Combined with the parents, teachers' ecation and guidance, student indivial factors in the analysis of a correction of primary attack.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 16:58

Elementary student's aggressive behavior most makes the matter which one has a headache, is also the consequence most serious one misdeed. But the teacher and the guardian will neglect or do not have the stitch in time elementary student's aggressive behavior frequently, will therefore cause the aggressor and can receive by the aggressor the varying degree the adverse effect. This article through take the Zhuhai nine continent elementary schools as an example, investigates the elementary student aggressive behavior the phenomenon, analysis in aggressive behavior gender differences, grade difference as well as attack by chance difference and so on. Unifies parents' ecation way, teacher's ecation instruction manner and the way, student indivial analyses and so on factor obtains one to rectify the elementary student aggressive behavior the plan.
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