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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 12:54



热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 07:46

"Clothes make the man, Buddha depends on the gold." Since ancient times, people on the issue of wearing way is fastidious, ancient people attach importance to is the quality of the bright color and silk, and modern, as the ancients. Modern society, more and more exchanges with foreign countries, domestic and foreign clothing keeps flowing into the Chinese market, especially the young people's clothing is multifarious, what they pursue is modern, is trend, is the avant-garde. Influenced by the social climate, the part of students in middle school students is the unique, they wear clothing exquisite and unique, with different region amorous feelings, also have a small part of the classmates dressed very casually, they do not take the unique, only simple, clean, but throughout the year
Have a large part of students in middle school students are keen on famous brand, famous brand clothes in their eyes is the most can reflect their own taste, temperament and status, they think, famous brand clothes is now in style, quality, color and so on the nature of all the clothes are the most good clothes.

Rapid economic development in modern society, the life of people more and more rich, plus each have only one child, parents are pride, is the eye, to the requirement of children clothing, parents are generally won't refuse.
And the kids just three days two head to pull parents ran the streets, because the street has many attractive places, that is Taiwan's wide variety of clothing store, the inside of the clothes is multifarious, various forms, and basically we middle school students like "designer" clothes. Because it is a famous brand, so natural also expensive, such as "li ning" now sell like hot cakes, "anta", "step"... Especially the celebrity endorsed procts.
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