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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 16:49



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 08:30

So far in Henan many areas also spread such ballads:" ask my ancestor in where, Shanxi Hongdong large tree." As the history of a large-scale migration -- Hong Wu, Yongle, Ming government has several from Shanxi Hongdong large tree to the vast area of the country of immigration. This paper mainly focuses on the immigration of Henan, examine a large number of local history, genealogy, stone epitaph, literature etc. are chronicled in this unprecedented immigration, this article from the scope of local records including the Ming and Qing Dynasties, near modern Henan local records to examine the immigration of general situation, analysis of the reason and measure of immigration to Henan, and influence how, in short, the Hongdong immigration to Henan is a government initiative, immigrants, some existing problems and we should pay attention to and think about the place in Hongdong, but moved to the Henan society to accelerate the recovery process, weathering the region's customs, caused to move people descended from the roots to progenitor, enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation, has a profound and far-reaching influence and role

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 08:30

So far in henan many areas also been such folk: "ask me where ancestors, shanxi hongtong big scholartree." As the history of mass immigration-the hongwu and yongle, Ming government has several times from shanxi hongtong big in the region to the national pagoda immigration. This paper mainly focuses on the immigration of henan province, a visit to a lot of the Chinese local Chronicles, genealogies, stone carvings, literature, etc are documenting the epitaph for this unprecedented immigration, this article from the scope of the Ming and qing dynasties, including the Chinese local Chronicles of modem Chinese local Chronicles to examine the henan some the general situation of the immigrants, analyses the reasons and the immigration henan measures, and proce the effect of how, in short, the early Ming hongtong immigration henan is a government measures, immigration there exist some problems that we should pay attention to and thinking is the place, but moved to the henan excavation and social economy the process of recovery, weathering the region's customs, cause moved people read seed seeking the fathers, and increase the cohesion of the Chinese nation, is more profound and long influence and effect

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 08:31

Since many areas in Henan also circulating this ballad: "ask me where the ancestors, Shanxi Hongdong acacia trees." As the history of a large-scale immigration - Hongwu and Yongle, the Ming government on several occasions from Shanxithe Hongdong acacia trees at the areas to the nation's immigrants. This article focuses mainly on this immigration Henan to study a large number of local history, genealogy, stone epitaph, literature and so recorded in this time of unprecedented immigration, this article from small range of local history, including the Ming and Qing dynasties, modern Henan local history to examine the general situation of the immigrants, Analysis of this immigration causes as well as initiatives in Henan, and what impact, in short, the early Ming Hongdong immigrants Henan is a governmental initiatives, some of the problems that exist in the immigrants we should attention and a place to think, but Hongdong moved to China to speed up the process of socio-economic recovery, Henan, weathering the customs of the region, causing descendants of roots Lim Cho moved to China, enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation, a more profound and long impact and effect
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