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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 01:10



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 23:25


在2017年以前,外籍人士来华工作并不需要查验学历。随着中国的综合国力的不断发展,和更多外籍人士来华工作,国家进一步对外籍人士来华工作制定统一的标准。Before 2017, foreign nationals working in China did not need to have their ecation verified. With the continuous development of China's Comprehensive National Power and more foreigners coming to work in China, the country has further developed unified standards for foreigners working in China.


Since 2017, the work permit system for foreigners to come to China has been launched, and the policy for applying for work permits for foreigners to come to China has become stable. Ecation has become one of the proof of the quality and ability of foreigners.


There is a clear provision in the application regulations for foreigners to work in China, which states that those who hold a bachelor's degree or above and have two years of work experience can apply for a foreigner's work permit in China. The premise is still that the authenticity of the ecational background needs to be verified and recognized by the approval authority.


外国专家局对学历认证的要求 Requirements
① 最高学位(学历)证书在国外获得的,应经我驻外使、领馆或由申请人获得学位(学历)所在国驻华使、领馆或我国学历认证机构认证。

Highest degree (degree certificate) obtained in foreign countries, shall be authenticated by Chinese embassies, consulates in the country it was issued, or get authenticated by the embassy/consulates of the country where it was issued in China,or get verified by ecation certification organization in China.

② 最高学位(学历)证书在港澳特别行政区和台湾地区获得的,应经我国学历认证机构认证或经所在地区公证机构公证。

Highest degree (degree certificate) obtained in Hong Kong and Macao special administrative region and Taiwan region, should be verified by ecation certification organization in China or by local notary organizations in the region where it was issued.

③ 最高学位(学历)证书在中国境内获得的,应经学信网认证。

Highest degree (degree certificates) obtained in China, should be authenticated on the website of CHSI.


*In accordance with China's laws and regulations, if the competent authorities of the instry are required to pre-examine and approve or have the professional qualification of corresponding admittance category in China, the competent authorities of the instry shall provide the approval documents or professional qualification certificates.


学历认证办理方法 Verification methods
(1) 国外办理:经我国驻学位证书颁发国使、领馆做认证。(每个国家的办理流程、资料、费用和时间均不相同,建议跟当地使馆确认)

Handling abroad: authenticated by Chinese embassy or consulate in the issuing country. (Proceres, materials, costs and time are different in each country. It is recommended to confirm with the local embassy.)


Authentication stamp of Chinese embassies abroad

(2) 中国办理:如外国人人在国内可以直接去学位取得国驻华使、领馆认证(注意:不是所有国家在驻华使领馆都有认证业务,具体请跟学位取得国驻华使领馆确认)。

Handling in China: for foreigners in China, they can directly go to the embassy or consulate of the country where the degree was issued in China to obtain the degree authentication(note: not all countries’ embassies/consulates have verification service, please confirm with the embassy or consulate of the country in China in advance).


Certification template of French Embassy in China

(3) 我国学历认证机构认证: 如外国人人在第三国(即不在其学位取得国,也不在中国),可直接考虑做我国教育部留学服务中心的认证。(注意:不是所有境外学校都可以办理此认证,请以实际认证情况为准)

Verified by China's ecational qualification certification organization: If the foreigner is in a third country (that is, not in the country where the degree is obtained, and not in China), he/she may be directly considered for certification by the Service center for Study abroad of the Ministry of Ecation of China. (Note: Not all overseas schools can apply for this certification, please refer to the actual certification)

(4) 在我国境内取得的学位证书认证:如外国人是在中国留学并取得学位证书,可经中国高等教育学生信息网(学信网)认证,或经国内公证机构公证。

Degree certificate obtained in China: If the foreigner is studying in China and has obtained the degree certificate, he/she shall get degree authenticated by China Credentials Verification(CHSI), or be notarized by a domestic notary office.

特别注意 Notice:

① 外国高端人才((A类)积分除外)可以采用承诺制,不用做使馆认证。

Foreign high-end talents ((Class A) except those apply via scores)can use commitment letter instead.

② 非中文证明材料均须提供中文翻译件。

All non Chinese documents must be translated into Chinese before the application。

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