发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 20:23
热心网友 时间:2023-05-05 03:08
呵呵,多伦多附近的比较好的大学么. 多伦多大学的3大校区,滑铁卢大学,西安大略大学,麦吉尔大学都是多伦多附近比较有名的学校. 本地的学生是不用考雅思或者托福的. 雅思或者托福只是向大学证明你的英文能力达到了进入大学读书的标准罢了,换个立场讲,如果一个外国人拿着一个普通话考试的证书跑去申请清华,你认为校方会觉得那是一个竞争力么? 同样的道理,雅思跟托福不过是证明你的英文能跟外国人站在同一起跑线上罢了. 论成绩,咱们中国人不输给任何人. 但是加拿大大学在选择学生的时候都会优先录取本地学生. 欧美的任何一所大学都是这样. 人家要保证人才不会外流的嘛. 成绩上肯定是又要求的,这又具体看你读哪个系,金融系隶属商系,商系的分数线是肯定高于采矿专业的. 我现在在多伦多大学士嘉堡校区读CO-OP MANAGEMENT. 我在温哥华上的高中,申请的时候这个系的要求是最低94%. 低一级别的MANAGEMENT 是88%. 再低到PRE就是84%的样子了. 工程系的收分普遍不高,80-86之间的样子,国内的学生申请是要递交高考成绩与高中毕业成绩的英文公证书的. 分数自然越高越好,因为在一个留学生跟一个本地学生持有同样的平均分甚至本地学生的平均分稍微低一点的情况下,大学是会优先录取那个本地学生的. 还有,国际学生的学费高于本地学生3-5倍,移民学生的学费与本地学生相同。住宿费都是一样的.希望以上回答对楼主会有帮助。热心网友 时间:2023-05-05 03:08
good university in Commerce or mining engineering? ok, best university on commerce is Western University, that's about 3hr drive from toronto, University of Toronto (UT) is a good university, but it doesn't specialize on anything, its more of a graate study school, for undergraate, mcmaster university and queen's university are the best two in ontario. i myself in mcmaster engineering faculty, so far, i love this program. for mining engineering, queen's university has the only mining engineering program in ontario, and its the best mining program in canada. so you might want to check that out :) some good universities around toronto are, UT, mcmaster university, waterloo university, western university, york university, queen's university and that's all, the rest are not as good as above but they are ok... also, what you can do to compete with local student is your knowledge on scince and math, at least that's how i did it, i never went to school in china, but i still stay on top 10 science student at my high school and all these years, my science and math mark never go below 93% :) so here is your advantage rite here. if you want more information,(cuz i can't type everything i know here for there are a lot more to say about university, i actually researched for 3 months when i applied to university last year) so just e-mail me at shevchenko310@gmail.com and i'll answer all your question there :) there is a huge difference that you are competing with local students, which means that you have more odds to get in to the program you want for there's only limited spot for international student, so yea...热心网友 时间:2023-05-05 03:09
要求没有任何区别 录取要求是看你高中在哪里毕业 不是看你有没有PR热心网友 时间:2023-05-05 03:09
入学要求一般没有太大区别, 关键是学费能省比较多.