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英语选择Let's continue___the story book tomorrow要理由

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 20:24



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:11

解释:continue+doing/to do ,区别continue+doing,事情中断以后做同一件事情,
continue to do 完成一件事情 接着做另外一件事情。这里继续读故事是继续做同一件事情。


热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:11

选 reading

continue to do

After he finished reading a novel, he continued to play games with his friends.

continue doing
After a rest, he continues his reading.

因为是今天还没看完书,明天继续看,是同一件事,所以continue doing sth.

用法跟 go on to do sth. 继续另一件事情
go on doing sth. 继续同一件事情


热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:12

首先continue 只有to do 和doing 的用法
continue to do 表示继续做某事,但之前没有在做这件事,比如
We've finished our dinner and we will continue to play computer games.
continue doing 表示继续做某事,之前也在做但是停了
I was reading and i continued reading for an hour.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:12

reading continue+doing sth

The sun is burning today. The sun shines on the big kang kang, we can not get out of the door, I also heard the cicada cry.Dad wanted to take me out, and now I can't get out. I just stayed at home watching TV and doing my homework. In the afternoon, I wrote Chi...

一般过去时英语作文A/An ___ Day 80字左右 急急急急急急急急急急急...

我的周末会过得很快乐。On Saturday morning, I’m going to do my homework. And then, I’m going out to play.星期六早上,我要做作业,然后出去玩。I’m going to the bookstore and read some books. In the evening, I am going to have dinner with my parents outside.我要去书...


will say, "Yes, it' s going to be fine tomorrow." People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water,he looks for something to tell him it' s going to rain, and he doesn' t look for anything else. When friends have a picnic, they hope the weather is going ...


①let表示让某人做某事,让某事发生时,后面跟省略to的动词不定式或某些介词。如: Let him in at once. 让他马上进来。 Her father won’t let her go out at night. 她爸爸不让她晚上出去。 Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。 Let’s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒...


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It’s always children’s favorite food. Here’s some rmation of a homework club. Let’s learn something about it! Time Each session 阶段 is four weeks long, Monday through Thursday. You may attend one, two, three or four days a week. The Homework Club takes place in the Bay ...


A. Where’s the museum? B. Yes, there is C. It’s next to the post office.8. --- --- I’m going to buy an English book.A. When are you goning? B. What are you going to buy?C. I’m going to plant trees.9. 当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说: ___...


16. 新年到了,早晨你遇到了英语老师,你要说:A. Happy birthday. B. Good afternoon. C. Happy New Year. D. Have a good time.17. A. Where will you go? B. What's up? C. What time is it? D. Which apple do you like?18. A. I can lend mine to you. B. Let me borrow yours....

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