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Don'T Stop Looking For Love 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 08:00



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 02:38

歌曲名:Don'T Stop Looking For Love
专辑:The Love Songs Collection

Been so long since I found someone
You came as some surprise
But I knew you were meant for me
When I looked into your eyes
So beautiful and strong
Boy where did you come from
As life passed me by
You fell from the sky
and I could hear you say
Dont stop looking for love
It can be found
In the strangest places
Just when youve given up
Along comes a miracle
That turns your life around
So dont stop, looking for love
Walking around with my head hanging
down, I felt so all alone
And your love seemed miles away
I was a heart without a home
A woman in the rain
You took the clouds away
Now bright as the sun
Our love has begun
And I could hear you say...
Dont stop looking for love
It can be found
In the strangest places
Just when youve given up
Along comes a miracle
That turns your life around
So dont stop, looking for love
Suddenly my dream had
come and rescued me
I cant believe I finally reached the day
That I can say...
Dont stop looking for love
It can be found
In the strangest places
Just when youve given up
Along comes a miracle
That turns your life around
So dont stop, looking for love
Looking for love

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