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hyde<Glamourous Sky>的英文歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 04:38



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 06:35


I could have seen the other side
Taking a step into the sky,
Ah, I'm always late

I could've done the same routine
Showing the old and golden scene
I'm lying again, to make them go
Wearing again my rocking shoes
Over the puddles made of tears
Flash back, I know you're clever
I remember

I know we could cross over rainbows
I wish that we could aim the sun again
I know we could dream for tomorrow
To share the long forgotten glamorous days


I could have done a lot for you
Nothing was left for me to do
Ah I'm always late, I let you go
You always said it's rock 'n roll
Life is battle, fight and grow
Flash back, I loved your flavour
I remember

I know we could shine like the starlight
I wish that we could aim the sky again
I know we could dream for tomorrow
To share the long forgotten glamorous days
Ah glamorous days..

I won't be sleeping!

Sunday, monday, and another Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday you're still away
Friday, Saturday, i'll be lonely everyday
And then crying high up to the moon
And I somehow hope to hear you cry

I know I could fight all the troubles
If only I could stay there on your side
I know I should dream on my own now
To chase the long forgotten glorious days

I know we could cross all the rainbows
I wish that we could aim the sun again
I know we could dream for tomorrow
To share the long forgotten glamorous days

Glamorous sky.....
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