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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 10:16



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 08:49

Today, I will introce a beautiful place. It is China's Sichuan Province.
Sichuan is my hometown. It is a scenic, historic, climate comfortable, very suitable place to live.
So. I would like to introce it to more people, I hope it was more people know.
1, Sichuan location.
(Located in China's southwestern Sichuan Province, an area of 485,000 square kilometers and a population of about 86.42 million. With Chongqing, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan, Guizhou and the Tibet Autonomous Region border. Sichuan vast territory and abundant resources, has a long history and has since ancient times enjoy " the Land of Abundance "in the world.)

2, Sichuan provincial government - Cheng
(Cheng is the capital of Sichuan, is a beautiful city, known as the "one do not want to leave the city." Cheng has a long history and is one of China's famous historical and cultural city. Cheng humid climate, the seasons were clearly defined and not the sweltering heat of summer and winter without freezing. extensive and profound cultural and Cheng, eating culture, leisure culture, tea culture, Taoism culture, and culture and so on in the three countries in the impact of the Chinese people profound.

By Sichuan, we will certainly have to look at Jiuzhaigou. This is a known as "worldly paradise" place.
Jiuzhaigou no bitter cold winter, summer is cool and different seasons scenery: Zhongchun Yan-green trees and flowers in midsummer You Lake chuishang, autumn do with the mountains, winter ice plastic natural. Jiuzhaigou to David giant panda, golden monkey, from the spring of wood, grass and other independence of the unique flora and fauna resources and Chestwood, Diebo, Beach flow, Cai Lin, Xuefeng, the Tibetan people of the world situation greatly favor, as the "fairy-tale world." "human cents mirror," and has now become a world-renowned tourist destination.
Sichuan is not only water. There are mountains.
The most famous is the Qingcheng Mountain and Emeishan.
Their scenic and unique scenery.
Not only famous in Sichuan. The country is also very famous sightseeing places.

In addition to the scenery. Sichuan cuisine is also a place with many.
Sichuanese like. So catering mainly to spicy.
In particular Pot, people said that the Sichuan cuisine, we will certainly think of it.
In addition, the colorful snacks are endless, if you like spicy food is a person, then you will love Sichuan things.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 08:49

梦话西游的音乐 - 建邺城 网易云音乐可以搜到

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 08:50

这个问题我也正在找寻 找到了告诉你
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