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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-19 09:37



热心网友 时间:2023-07-25 19:14

Cloud theory is to aim at tradition faintness to gather theoretic ill success, is taught by Li De Yi faintness to gather at the tradition theory and probability statistical foundation up propose come of, cloud misty notion is vs sex quantitative present of the settling of uncertainty notion,, Computinging with cloud to have phase on the applied angle amid"cloud" universality is consistent in the notion of the misty characteristic and the uncertainty.Cloud pattern is certainly the faintness of sex notion and an integration of the random, settle sex and quantity to reflect to shoot mutually, the foundation that the knowledge means.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-25 19:14

Cloud theory is incomplete for traditional fuzzy set theory, by Professor Li Deyi in traditional fuzzy set theory and proposed on the basis of probability and statistics, cloud fuzzy concept is the qualitative and quantitative description of the concept of uncertainty, and cloud computing in the "cloud" on the application communicates with, are identical in concept of fuzzy characteristics and uncertainty. Cloud model is a qualitative concept of fuzzy and randomness of integration, mapping between qualitative and quantitative, as the basis for knowledge representation.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-25 19:15

Cloud theory is conventional fuzzy set theory by LiDeYi incompleteness, professor in the traditional fuzzy set theory and probability statistics put forward on the basis of fuzzy concept is, cloud of uncertainty concept qualitative and quantitative description, and cloud computing in the application of "cloud" with phase Angle in fuzzy connectivity, characteristics and uncertain concept is consistent. Cloud model is the fuzziness and the randomness of qualitative concept a integration, qualitative and quantitative mutual mapping, as the knowledge representation basis.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-25 19:15

Cloud theory is the traditional fuzzy set theory did not thoroughly by Professor Li Deyi in the traditional fuzzy set theory and probability and statistics based on the proposed by the cloud of uncertainty fuzzy concept is the concept of qualitative and quantitative description, and the cloud "Cloud" that has similarities in the application of the angle, and uncertainty in the concept of fuzzy features is consistent. Cloud model is a qualitative concept of fuzziness and randomness of the time integration between qualitative and quantitative mapping, as the basis for knowledge representation.

参考资料:goole 翻译

热心网友 时间:2023-07-25 19:16

Cloud theory is incomplete for traditional fuzzy set theory, by Professor Li Deyi in traditional fuzzy set theory and proposed on the basis of probability and statistics, cloud fuzzy concept is the qualitative and quantitative description of the concept of uncertainty, and cloud computing in the "cloud" on the application communicates with, are identical in concept of fuzzy characteristics and uncertainty. Cloud model is a qualitative concept of fuzzy and randomness of integration, mapping between qualitative and quantitative, as the basis for knowledge representation.
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