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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-19 14:46



热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 23:43

On March 20, 2003 ,The Iraq War outbroke, this is aa new style of modern war in 21st century. In the war, the U.S. military, with its advanced technology and equipment, and use electronic warfare, psychological warfare and other military strategies in this war.Not only 44 days to achieve victory in the war, but also in the war to achieve a "low casualties." The war created a tremendous and profound impact in the Middle East region and the global.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 23:44

The war in Iraq broke out on March 20, 2003. This was a modern warfare of the 21st century which was concted in an entirely new style. The U.S. military was able to achieve victory in this war in as short as 44 days and with "minimal casualties", with the help of its advanced technology and equipment, as well as the application of military strategies such as electronic warfare and psychological warfare etc. This war created a great and deep impact not only in the Middle East region but also in the international arena.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 23:44

Iraq war was broken out on March 20 , 2003 , this was a brand-new form modernized war of 21 centuries . In this war ,American Army relied on it's advanced equipment, and made use of military affairs strategy ,such as electronic warfare , psychological warfare,and got the victory right in 44 days, even more,ring the war they realized "low casualties ". This war brought enormous and deep effect to the entire international not only the Middle East area form.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 23:45

On March 20, 2003 outbreak of the war in Iraq, the 21st century is a new style of the modern war. The U.S. war on advanced technology and equipment, using electronic warfare, such not only military strategy, psychological only 44 days will win wars, more in war "lower casualties". The war in the Middle East and the international situation has caused great and profound impact.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-28 23:45

March 20, 2003 the outbreak of the war in Iraq, this is the 21st century, a new style of modern war. The war, the U.S. military, with its advanced technology and equipment, and the use of electronic warfare, psychological warfare and other military strategies, not just 44 days to achieve victory in the war, but also in the war to achieve a "low casualties." The war in the Middle East region and the entire international forms created a tremendous and profound impact.
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