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Tonight的《Better》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-19 16:25



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 05:23

专辑:Nice To Meet You

Robbie - Better
Maximal r&b - The Freshest & Hottest R&B/ Hip-Hop Music!
I'm cryin', babe
I'm cryin', babe
Why you puttin' up with this guy?
I should be number one in your life
I can't understand why
Cause through all the fussin and fightin, baby, I'm here
The only one strong enough to wipe all your tears away
What's compelling you to stay?
You shouldn't be with him, no way, no way
Cause the pain that he's causing you
Is weighing heavy on me here
I know you're tired of going through the back-and-forth games
Dealing with him, girl, baby, it's a shame
Time of the time plus chance of the chance
He don't(?) wanna do right
Please stay by my side
What makes you trust his heart (yeah)
When everything about him's wrong (yeah)
Everything about him changes
So you should rearrange your heart and be with me, girl
Baby, you deserve better than what you're feeling
So let me be the one you run to
So let me be the one you run to
So let me pull you away
I promise I can save the day
Be the hero for you, baby
I hate when I see you cry like that
I hate when I see you cry like that, oh
Steady blaming yourself for his wrong
Tryna wipe away your tears with a sad song
See, baby I know where it hurts
But promise you whether it'll work
Keep your lid down you girl, you'll believe me
But of course, it's better said than done
But you'll feel better when you're gone
Let me be the one for you
Let me be the one for you
I know you're tired of going through the back-and-forth games
Dealing with him, girl, baby, it's a shame
Time of the time plus chance of the chance
He don't wanna do right
Please stay by my side
What makes you trust his heart (yeah)
When everything about him's wrong (yeah)
Everything about him changes
So you should rearrange your heart and be with me, girl
Baby, you deserve better than what you're feeling
So let me be the one you run to
So let me be the one you run to
So let me pull you away
I promise I can save the day
Be the hero for you, baby
I hate when I see you cry like that
I hate when I see you cry like that, oh
Girl, you should be entitled to everything
Yeah, that's your heart could ever long for
Steady beat sure changes our love
The last thing you need is to be so untrained
You don't have to walk around with your heart on empty
Give it to me, baby
Ooh, baby
I end up with you
I-I-I end up with you
I-I-I end up with (oh yeah)
I end up with you
I-I-I end up with you
I-I-I end up (0, no ,no)
I end up with you
I-I-I end up (ay)
Baby, you deserve better than what you're feeling
So let me be the one you run to
So let me be the one you run to
So let me pull you away
I promise I can save the day
Be the hero for you, baby
I hate when I see you cry like that
I hate when I see you cry like that, oh
Baby, you deserve better than what you're feeling
So let me be the one you run to
So let me be the one you run to
So let me pull you away
I promise I can save the day
Be the hero for you, baby
I hate when I see you cry like that
I hate when I see you cry like that, oh
"Come with me, baby"

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