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帮忙做一个 Paraphrase和 Summarise

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-28 09:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:05


热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:06


As far as employers and workmen are concerned, scientific management will eliminate all the causes of conflict if they adopt it, especially for those who adopt it first. A fair day’s work will be defined scientifically and will no longer be subjected to arguments.So there will be no more wage disputes because this type of management will result in a large increase in remunerations.
In times to come, the idea that the choice and training of our leaders is a must shall be generally acceptd, and the old system of personal management where the emphasis is on one man will no longer be effective, instead, the essence will be on teamwork; ordinary men if properly organized and cooperate efficiently, no man, irrespective of how capable he is, can compete against them.

The implementation of scientific management can solve the wage disputes between employers and workers because of the large increase in wages. In future, the present old system of one-man show will no longer be effective, and the emphasis will be on teamwork.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:06


With the utilization of scientific manangement, everyone who adopts this system of management, including both employers and workmen, will see an elimination in the causes of conflicts and disputes between each other. Instead of constantly fighting and arguing over what a fair day's work is, scientific investigation, which is a part of the scientific management system, can solve these problems much more efficiently. Also, since wages will increase when this type of management is used, no possible arguments over the wage issue should arrise. In the future, everyone needs to know that even ordinary men, as long as they have been properly organized into efficiently cooperating with each other, can outcompete any great man.



Scientific Management is an efficient system of management which would largely eliminate conflicts and disputes among the work forces, and would act to efficiently increase workmen's wages. If utilized, this type of management can prove to the world that even ordinary men can become as great as talented and gifted men.

o(∩_∩)o 不知道这是不是你想要的?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 02:07

Scientific management will improve the future working process. it can solve the problem between the emolpyers and their stuff, especially for the dispute of wage. it will make the work more efficiency and make the workmen have a clear attitude to their task. When every thing is reasonable and stable, they are easy and willing to achieve the tasks.
At present it is more important to build a good team than finding a talent to manage. Scientific management will help you to do the right things and make your morkmen perfect.

with scientific management we can solve the problem between the employers and the workmen and make the tasks efficiently.
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