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残酷的天使行动纲领 英文版歌词,不是翻译中文的

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-28 12:50



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 00:48

[00:01.57]Like a legend of cruelty angel
[00:05.05]I know you will be never same the story
[00:24.26] 残酷な天使のテーゼ
[00:33.99] 歌: Arlieway
[00:42.14]I feel a crystal world
[00:45.44]it's keeps on the kinder the fish and a closs
[00:50.01]you're staying with a smile
[00:50.88]it's only for me
[00:52.69]you're there are only for me
[00:56.77]Story will turn to my hart
[00:59.95]but ever was new keepless someone need
[01:03.48]or if time again
[01:05.34]a namber the frame
[01:07.30]bollow borrow take me someday
[01:11.01]someday a think that
[01:18.28]you'll be only that never the treemodel true
[01:19.26]listen at that get you're shine up
[01:21.85]the reason that gladiators fly at the sky
[01:27.50]Like a legend of cruelty angel
[01:31.22]fly in how were in renewing the forlong
[01:34.94]surpride in versus for betray memories
[01:38.61]shining sky in the other side my hart
[01:42.36]keep on shinin' a you are see some of love
[01:46.00]I know you will be never sing a legend
[02:05.23]mos spring from high up the sky
[02:08.14]the maith you re place where the fun cradle world
[02:11.85]promissed the day
[02:13.89]but only you were
[02:15.73]red fire dreaming the advance
[02:19.96]moonlight is shining the world
[02:22.97]the crystal my for me that war free the air
[02:26.61]a moment of star just sorry for us
[02:30.31]the war was hold this sometimes
[02:34.23]if I was story that spender that meaning
[02:37.78]of wake up the reaving your sky
[02:41.57]I am the bible that know our the freedom
[02:45.06]and trust you are hurry again
[02:50.72]Like a legend of cruelty angel
[02:54.29]fly in how I renewing the for long
[02:58.04]seems you wonder a still other one
[03:01.49]shape up ladys the only wait you bilieve
[03:04.83]hold the shiny sky you will see some of love
[03:09.16]I know you will be never same a legend
[03:57.46]If I am story what sing there the meanings
[04:00.84]of why could the believe in my say
[04:04.86]I am the bible to know our freedom
[04:08.40]to know another freedom?
[04:10.70]and trust you are hurry again
[04:17.48]Like a legend of cruelty angel
[04:21.08]fly in how I renewing the for long
[04:24.99]surpride in versus for betray memories
[04:28.91]shining sky in the other side my hart
[04:32.18]keep on shinin' a you are see some of love
[04:35.88]I know you will be never some legend


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