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文章请翻成英文,帮忙啊!可能有点难但我跪求大家啦!题目是learn to say no(学会拒绝)可稍改编

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 09:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:35

In our life, we often encounter a number of other requirements to us, and some of these requirements may exceed the scope of our capabilities, then we should be brave enough to reject others
If you are embarrassed to refuse him, then you are likely to encounter some unnecessary trouble.
A man, his friends asked him to borrow 30 yuan, but he had no money, but he was re-loyalty, to find someone else to give him 30 yuan to scrape together, can be his friend did not timely pay back the money, he had to find someone else to borrow money for other people's money, and the cycle, finally one day he robbed a man to pay back the money, and so he was cold iron
So learn to say no, dare to say "no" is not only an art, is an important interpersonal strategy, but also a method of self-protection.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:35

it often happens that somebody will require us to do something in life, and those requirements maybe exceeded the scope of our ability, then, we should bravely deny it.
if you find it embarrassing to refuse him, you will perhaps meet some unnecessary troubles.
once a man, his friend asked him to lend $30, in fact, he had no money, but he was very loyal and asked others to pool $30 to his friend. it was a pity that his friend did not return the money to him on time. so he had to borrow money from someone else to return the money $30. circulating like this, he finally robbed a person to return the money one day, the result was that he was arrested.
so learn to refuse someone and bravely say no to them, is not only a science, but also an important human communication strategy and but rather a self-protection way.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:36

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