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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 09:56



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 18:54

The end of the central air-conditioning energy saving intelligent controller -- " the Belvedere Hotel" energy-saving new weapon at present almost all the Belvedere Hotel ( including sea view, lake view, mountain view etc.) are facing this problem: when the guests to open the viewing balcony door, outdoor large amounts of air into the room, but the indoor air conditioning work as usual, resulting in a waste of energy, at the same time caused by air conditioning outlet dew, affect the appearance, causes the customer complaints. If the majority of rooms are also open balcony door, will cause the entire central air-conditioning system load increase, return water temperature, can cause central air conditioning host surge malignant consequences. Three Union Energy Science and technology limited company invention of the patented proct ( patent number: ZL200920236600.2 ) central air conditioning end Smart Saver ( hereinafter referred to as the" Power Saver" ), can solve this problem effectively, for the hotel greatly save energy, rece expenditure of charge of electricity. 1, saver consists of: sensor A, B transmitter, receive controller C. In 2, the working principle of: sensor A, respectively B transmitter installed in the viewing balcony door on the side of the fixed side and activities, receive controller C is connected to the chilled water two way valve power supply circuit. When the balcony door open, sensor A and B ultrasound emitter by a certain distance ( about 1 ~ 2cm), B transmitter transmitting signal to the receive controller C, through a circuit switching control two way valve circuit disconnect, two way valve is closed, thereby stopping the air heat exchanger. Conversely, when the balcony door is closed, the sensor A, B transmitter to the merger, B transmitter transmitting signal to the receive controller C, through a circuit switching control two way valve loop is switched on, air conditioning to resume normal work. The new hotel, the company otherwise a cable Saver, hotel decoration can be pre laying lines, making data transmission more stable. 3, energy-saving analysis ( for example in Dameisha Sheraton Hotel ): now rooms each standard room fan coil cooling capacity of 5780 watts (about 1.6 tons ). In accordance with the normal summer outdoor temperature of 33 DEG C, the day every hour power consumption is 1.8 degrees / per room, and the abacus machine itself power consumption, the normal condition of indoor temperature reaches the set temperature, the fan and the electromagnetic valve is closed. Room temperature in a set is saturated, hourly power consumption of 0.8 to 1 deg / per room, and even less. When the guest in the room to the balcony door open, outdoor hot air requires only five minutes to the indoor comfort temperature rises to 30 degrees c.. The room air conditioning will be the largest load operation, and the indoor temperature is not a little cooling effect. As an installation Saver, will appear the following adverse circumstances: the rooms every day to open a door for more than five minutes, you can waste 0.5 electrical degrees above, if according to 400 rooms per room per day only a balcony door, you can waste 200 electrical degrees, if the balcony door open half hour to an hour or more, heat exchange can be a waste of 4 degrees, if the 400 rooms have a balcony door every day for half an hour, a one-time waste 1200 to 1600 degrees, and is in a very short time. If there are multiple and open the door, waste is bigger. Large overload heat exchange can also cause the rection of the service life of frozen host. The regular open e to temperature the factors will cause the air conditioning condensed water generated, affect the appearance, easy and guest complaints. The air conditioning is e to wood procts, long-term condensate is easy for the black and moldy wood caused by frequent repair and rising costs. A hotel room in the 400 daily average only open balcony door half an hour that is a waste of 1200 degrees, a month will waste 36000 electrical degrees. If all the installation of three Union's invention of Saver, according to price 1 yuan / degree, half will save electricity 216000 yuan, about 5 ~ 6 months can recover costs. Three union company for Shenzhen Dameisha Sheraton Hotel Plaza, holiday Bay Hotel, Huizhou Sheraton Hotel Xunliao Gulf installed central air-conditioning end Smart Saver, and achieved excellent energy-saving effects, praised by customers. Shenzhen Sheraton Hotel Dameisha, installation Saver 400 sets of Shenzhen Kingkey holiday Bay Hotel, installation Saver 300 sets of Xunliao Gulf of Huizhou Sheraton Hotel, installation Saver 320 - ad - > <!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 18:55

The end of intelligent energy-saving central air conditioning controllers - "Viewing the hotel" energy saving almost all of the new weapons now viewing hotels (including sea, lake, mountain, etc.) will encounter this problem: When guests open the balcony door, a large number of hot and humid outdoor air into the room, but the indoor air-conditioning work as usual, resulting in energy waste, while causing the air conditioning vent condensation affect the appearance, leading to customer complaints. If the majority of rooms are also open balcony doors, central air conditioning system will cause the entire load to increase, return water temperature rises, central air conditioner can cause a surge of vicious consequences. Three Union Energy Technology Co., Ltd. invention patent (patent number: ZL200920236600.2) central air conditioning at the end Smart Saver (hereinafter referred to as "Saver"), can effectively solve this problem, significantly for the hotel save energy, rece electricity expenditures. 1, Saver components: sensor A, transmitter B, the receiving controller C. 2, works: sensors A, B transmitters were installed in the balcony door on the side of the fixed side and activities, receive controller C connected to two-way valve air-conditioning chilled water supply loop. When the balcony door open, sensor A sensor and transmitter B beyond a certain distance (about 1 ~ 2cm), the transmitter transmitting signals to a receiver B on the controller C, via two-way valve switching control circuit loop is disconnected, two-way valve Close to stop the air conditioning heat exchangers. Conversely, when the balcony doors closed, sensor A, B re-combined transmitter, transmitter B transmit signals to the receiver controller C, via circuit switching control circuit connected to two-way valve, air-conditioning back to normal work. For new hotels, a cable company and another saver, hotel decoration can be pre-laid lines, so that data transmission is more stable. 3, saving analysis (for example Dameisha Sheraton Hotel): Rooms are standard rooms each fan coil cooling capacity of 5780 watts (about 1.6 ton). Outside the normal summer temperature of 33 ℃ calculation, the power consumption of 1.8 degrees per hour ring the day / per room, without thinking power control unit itself, under normal operating conditions when the indoor temperature reaches the set temperature, fan and solenoid valve closed. Room temperature in a set of saturation, the hourly power consumption of 0.8 to 1 degree / per room, or even lower. When the guests in the room to the balcony door open, outdoor hot air only five minutes you can be comfortable indoor temperature to 30 ℃. At this point the room air-conditioning will be the maximum capacity, and achieve a bit of room temperature cooling effect. If not install the Power Saver, will appear the following adverse conditions: ☆ per room per day once the balcony door open more than five minutes, you can waste more than 0.5 kWh, if the room at 400 per room only once a day balcony door, it can be a waste of 200 kWh, if the balcony doors open half an hour to an hour or more, the exchange can be a waste of hot and cold 4 kWh per day if the 400 rooms a balcony doors open up to half an hour, on a one-time waste of 1200-1600 kWh of electricity, and is in a very short period of time. If you have multiple open the case, waste is even greater. Exchange of a large number of hot and cold can also cause overload of the life of the host to rece freezing. ☆ often open the door for the temperature difference causes air conditioning vents will cause condensation of water, affecting the appearance, and guests easily bring complaints. ☆ wood procts is e to air conditioning vents, condensation tends to have a long black and moldy wood, resulting in frequent maintenance and costs. 400 hotel rooms per day for half an hour just to open the balcony door 1200 that is a waste of electricity a month would be a waste of 36 000 kWh. If all the company installed three invented Saver Union, according to price 1 Yuan / count, half a year will save electricity 216,000 yuan, about 5 to 6 months to recover the costs. Three Union has Dameisha Sheraton Shenzhen, Beijing-based Holiday Bay Hotel, Huizhou Xunliao Golden Bay Sheraton Hotel and other end of the central air conditioning installed Smart Saver, and obtain excellent energy saving, well received by customers . Dameisha Sheraton Shenzhen, Shenzhen, Beijing, 400 sets installed base Saver Holiday Bay Hotel, 300 units installed Saver Xunliao Golden Bay Sheraton Hotel in Huizhou, installation Saver 320 sets <!-Ad->
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