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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 09:56



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 18:54

Geli VET low temperature thermal air-conditioning technology has succeeded in solving domestic problems 2006-10-16 last charisma in the central air-conditioning system with ultra-low-temperature thermal technically historic breakthrough, This year, once again successfully resolved the charisma ordinary household air-conditioning system at low temperature thermal technical problems. Zhuhai Geli Electrical just learned from a reporter, Geli listed on the upcoming high-grade packaged chiller "king of" use of the intellectual property rights of its own charisma low-temperature heating technology (VET technologies) able to fully satisfy the consumers cold winter heating demand. Currently, Geli technology has applications for patents from the state. As the outdoor temperature is low in winter, the air-conditioning system of thermal effects are relatively poor, they were unable to achieve the goal of energy saving. particularly low temperatures even when not in regular use. How to ensure the normal use of air-conditioning in low-temperature environment, and have good heat effect Global air conditioning instry, which has become plagued by technical problems. To solve this problem, the world's leading air-conditioning giants have invested a tremendous amount of manpower, material and financial resources, it has achieved little. The most common is currently on the market through Fuzhudianjiare means that the air-conditioning installed within the heating wire. In winter the air conditioning system to increase the heat to meet consumer demand, but this approach has drawbacks. That is an increase of consumption, they were unable to achieve the goal of energy saving. Today, the success of low-temperature heat charisma newly developed technology, just successfully solved the technical problems allow more consumers in the cold winter air-conditioning to enjoy strong charisma of warmth. According to the charisma of the project development engineer, Geli by low temperature thermal technology is a key component of the air-conditioning compressor -- to add a second suction mouth. Two-stage compression system similar to the low-temperature method, the second increase in inspiratory mouth refrigerant flow. thus increasing the heating function of air-conditioning. In one of its biggest advantages is the circulatory system, under the premise of not increasing the power consumption. increase the heat capacity of the air-conditioning, thermal stability of the system significantly improved energy efficiency, to achieve the purpose of energy saving. State-approved laboratory test data, The use of low-temperature heat charisma of air conditioners in winter than ordinary air-conditioning can increase the heat capacity is 121. Instry sources, the state has vigorously promote energy security, clean and environmentally friendly new heating technology promoting recycling economy and the whole society to a conservation-minded society change, was also among the autumn season. The use of low-temperature heat transfer technology Geli air conditioners will be government agencies, trade associations, consumers and the pursuit of Architectural Design Institute. setting off a new round of upsurge in sales.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 18:55

hun 2 fen
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