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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-01 14:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 08:29

In order to Chu against Qu Yuan, in order to Chu people happiness, Qu Yuan worked as a people's hero, but his sacrifice has been Memorial, in May 5th each year, until modern times, people remember the history of celebrity.


According to "historical records" "Qu Yuan Jia biography" records, Qu Yuan is chuhuai Wang of the minister, "have wide learning and a retentive memory, Ming to rise, well-versed in speeches. Into the affairs of state and Wang proposed plans, issued orders; the external reception guests, deal with the Marquis, the king was very office". Because he was the king of Chu ring the reuse, cause jealousy Shangguan doctor and and the Ling Yin Zi Lan, just before the throne of King Huai and King Qingxiang slandered Qu yuan. The king of Chu and graally alienated Qu Yuan, joint also did not take his advice, and even Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was full of grief and indignation, leisure Jianghu, wrote the song as a "way", the bosom stone threw himself into the Miluo river.


Decades after Qu Yuan's death, Chu eventually because of sycophant wrong and was conquered by qin. But Qu Yuan the faithful and doubt the tragic hero also live in the hearts of the people of chu. This story may be used to describe the Chu people loved Qu Yuan mood.


It is said that Qu Yuan in the river, Chu abnormal grief people, have rushed to Miluo River to pay their respects to Qu Yuan. The fishermen from fishing boats, his body back and forth on the river. A fisherman also took out a prepared mplings, egg and other food, plop into the river inside throw, saying is to let the fish and shrimp to eat, will not flexor corpse doctor. An old doctor took a jar of yellow wine poured into the river, that is to medicine dizzy dragon, so that it cannot harm flexor doctor.


Before long, float on the surface of a fainting the dragon, dragon also stained with a flexor doctor skirt. People put this dragon pull ashore, smoked ribs, neck, and then the long tendons around the children's hands Wan, neck, and the use of realgar wine with nose, make those snakes are afraid of pests to harm the children.


It is said that Qu Yuan in the river that day is May 5th. Since then, every year to May 5th, people have to eat mplings, dragon boat, drink yellow wine to commemorate Qu Yuan.


In some areas, in the end what festival calamus or wormwood on the door, this is because the Pu Aiyou rang poison function. However, origin of this AI customs, there is a saying folk.

端午节英语手抄报简单漂亮如下:The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year。




后来的为怕饭团为蛟龙所食,人们想出用棘树叶包饭,外缠彩丝,发展成粽子。以后,在每年的五月初五,就有了龙舟竞渡、吃粽子、喝雄黄酒的风俗;以此来纪念爱国诗人屈原。二、端午节英语手抄报习俗之划龙舟 Dragon-boat racing is a group of people rowing competition, is an important activity of t...


To memorize the ancient patriotic poet Qu Yuan. When he jumped into the river, people threw food into the river to keep the fish from eating him.为了纪念古代爱国诗人屈原。屈原投江以后,人们把食物投入江中,这样鱼就不会吃他了。三、端午节英语词汇 1、Dragon Boat Festival:端午节。2...

英语端午节手抄报内容 英文

英语端午节手抄报内容 The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year.端午节,...


端午节的英语手抄报篇一:The Duanwu Festival, which is also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is an ancient Chinese traditional festival, celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. For thousands of years, various celebrating activities are held all around the country. ...


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端午节的英语手抄报【一】 端午节的由来和历史 The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday, occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Fe...


端午节手抄报的英语内容如下:1、Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races。Competing teams drive theircolorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums。These exciting races wereinspired by the villager's valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the...


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