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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 06:31



热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 22:26


After reading this story, I have learned the importance of patience. The four sons in that story judge that pear tree superficially. Even though all their statements are right, they are one-sided conclusion. 

Due to their impatience, they miss the beauty and passion of other seasons.
As we all know, Thomas Edison, the great inventor the world has never seen, would not invent the electric light.

if he was not patient to do thousands of those boring experiments. So, from this moment on, just be patient to others, and also be patient to yourself.



众所周知,托马斯 · 爱迪生,世界上从未见过的伟大发明家,如果他没有耐心做成千上万个无聊的实验,他是不会发明电灯的。所以,从现在开始,对别人要有耐心,对自己也要有耐心。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 22:26

After reading this story, I have learned the importance of patience. The four sons in that story judge that pear tree superficially. Even though all their statements are right, they are one-sided conclusion. Due to their impatience, they miss the beauty and passion of other seasons.
As we all know, Thomas Edison, the great inventor the world has never seen, would not invent the electric light if he was not patient to do thousands of those boring experiments. So, from this moment on, just be patient to others, and also be patient to yourself.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-16 22:26

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