发布时间:2022-04-24 06:17
时间:2023-10-08 18:18
喜羊羊 (Pleasant Goat/Happy Goat)
The leader of the young goats, who wears a small bell on his neck. He is the best assistant of Slow Goat. In almost every episode he is the first one who foils the plot of Grey Wolf. He is also a very, very fast runner. His plans hardly ever fail.
慢羊羊(Slow Goat/Mayor Goat)
The village chief of the goats. He is a wise though senile old goat who is teacher to the children goats. He is also a brilliant inventor with his own underground laboratory, and when inventing he sometimes adopts a mad scientist persona. A running gag in the show has vegetation grow from his temple whenever he thinks too hard. He is slower than a snail.
懒羊羊 (Lazy Goat/Sleepy Goat)
A small, gluttonous goat wearing a yellow drool bib. He hates work and likes to sleep, but e to his lazy nature he is often the first caught by Grey Wolf. He also has a habit of falling asleep whenever Grey Wolf kidnaps the goats. He has been revealed to hold a varying number of hidden talents throughout the show, such as diving.
美羊羊(Beauty Goat/Pretty Goat)
A female goat with a pink scarf and pink horns. She likes to cook and dress up, and she is generally liked by all the other goats in goat village. She have a crush on Pleasant Goat. Fit Goat has a crush on her.
沸羊羊(Fit Goat/Tan Goat)
A goat with tan skin, Fit Goat was the strongest goat on the Qingqing Grasslands until it was revealed that Kind goat possessed mountain goat genes. He is feisty and arrogant, with a tendency to underestimate others. He has a crush on Pretty Goat. Interestingly, he is still unable to defeat Grey Wolf in a fist fight except for rare incidences. He loves boxing and he always like to bully Sleepy Goat.
暖羊羊(Gentle Goat)
She is a docile and kind female goat who is class president to Pleasant Goat's class in school. She is revealed in the Olympics special to possess mountain goat genes, effectively making her the strongest goat in Goat Village above Fit Goat. She is the most sensible goat but is sometimes talkative. She is friends with Banana Wolf.
软绵绵(Soft Goat)
The ancestor of the goat family.
灰太狼(Grey Wolf/Wolfy)
灰太狼是该动画的主要反派,他头戴一顶橙黄相间的帽子,脸上有一道清晰可见的伤疤。灰太狼总是工于心计,却总是在捕捉小羊的行动中落得两手空空的下场。每次他都会施展不同的诡计潜入羊村,比方打扮成不同的动物什么的。每次计划挫败后,他总是高喊着自己的口头禅:"我一定会回来的,可恶的小羊!" 、"我一定会回来的,可恶的喜羊羊!" 或者"我一定会回来的!"
The main villain, a grey wolf with a patched yellow and orange hat, as well as visible facial scar. He is often found planning over-the-top maneuvers reminiscent of Wile-E-Coyote in attempts to capture the goats of Goat Village. He uses different sneaky ways to catch the goats. He sometimes dresses like a different animal or break the gate of the goat's home and go in and catch them When defeated, his catchphrase is 'I'll be back, annoying little goats! or I'll be back, annoying Pleasant Goat/Happy Goat! or I'll be back!'
红太狼(Red Wolf/Wolnie)
The wife of Grey Wolf, who dresses in a red robe with black and white trims. She is demanding and abusive towards her husband, hitting her husband with frying pans when his schemes fail.
小灰灰 (Little Grey)
小灰灰是灰太狼和红太狼的儿子,不常登场,但比他爷爷和太公登场机会多。他有一双大大的眼睛,喜欢 跟爸爸一起出去打猎,当然每次都失败而归。在电影版里面他总是很抢镜。
He is the son of Grey Wolf and Red Wolf and doesn't appear very often, though more often than Yellow Wolf and Black Wolf. He has two big eyes.He likes to go out hunting with his dad but gets lost all the time. He plays a large role in the latest movie, 牛气冲天。
焦太狼(Banana Wolf)
:He is a large, vegetarian wolf who eats bananas instead of meat. He has befriended Warm goat, who likes to provide him with bananas.
香太狼 (Little Red)
She is the daughter of Gray Wolf and Red Wolf and the sister of Little Grey. She gets close to marrying Banana Wolf, but ends up marrying the minister at the wedding, who was already in love with her.
黄太狼(Yellow Wolf)
Grey Wolf's Grandfather.
黑太狼(Black Wolf)
Grey Wolf's Father
The ancestor of the wolf family. He was the rival with 软绵绵。
时间:2023-10-08 18:18
时间:2023-10-08 18:19
喜羊羊与灰太狼的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
在绿草甜美、宁静安和的青青草原,生活着一群无忧无虑的小白羊。聪明伶俐的喜羊羊(祖丽晴 配音)、美丽可爱的美羊羊(邓玉婷 配音)、懒惰贪吃的懒羊羊(梁颖 配音)、莽撞正义的沸羊羊(刘红韵 配音)、忠厚安静的暖羊羊(邓玉婷 配音),这群小家伙每天聚在一起,过着快乐的生活。而在森林另一端的黑色古堡里,住着*狡猾的灰太狼(张琳 配音)和他暴戾无常的老婆红太狼(赵娜 配音)。灰太狼每天都要在老婆平底锅的敲打下前往羊村抓羊羊,羊村戒备森严,因此他想处种种办法,更发明许多奇形怪状的工具,然而最终总被机敏的小羊们挫败。