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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-23 12:35



热心网友 时间:2023-09-07 18:15

As one of “New Top Ten”, this attraction is situated west of West Lake. It is locally called as Nine Greeks and Eighteen Gullies. Actually, all the creeks in this area have two originations, one at west is in Shizi Hill, and the other at east is in Yangmei Hill. Flowing to the south, they meander their way through Xu Village and then empty into the Qiantang River. In 1986, this area was developed and was chosen as one of the “New Ten Views of West Lake”. This attraction features waters and wooded hills. With serene rustic charms, it remains as natural as ever. It will be a good choice to make a walking tour of this attraction along the path in the valley. Four oft-quoted lines poem go like this: “Te hills – rang after range, the trails – winding and climbing, the creeks – murmuring and gurgling, the trees – high and lowly.”
Bus Service: Take No. 27 Bus and get off at Longjin Village, or take No. 508 Bus and get off at Longjin Tea House

热心网友 时间:2023-09-07 18:16

Hangzhou Jiuxi
回答者:萨满哇里哇里 - 试用期 一级 10-14 11:03
As one of “New Top Ten”, this attraction is situated west of West Lake. It is locally called as Nine Greeks and Eighteen Gullies. Actually, all the creeks in this area have two originations, one at west is in Shizi Hill, and the other at east is in Yangmei Hill. Flowing to the south, they meander their way through Xu Village and then empty into the Qiantang River. In 1986, this area was developed and was chosen as one of the “New Ten Views of West Lake”. This attraction features waters and wooded hills. With serene rustic charms, it remains as natural as ever. It will be a good choice to make a walking tour of this attraction along the path in the valley. Four oft-quoted lines poem go like this: “Te hills – rang after range, the trails – winding and climbing, the creeks – murmuring and gurgling, the trees – high and lowly.”
Bus Service: Take No. 27 Bus and get off at Longjin Village, or take No. 508 Bus and get off at Longjin Tea House

热心网友 时间:2023-09-07 18:16

Hangzhou Jiuxi
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