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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-23 19:52



热心网友 时间:2023-06-24 01:32



  This agreement is established between XXX Company Limited (hereafter as Party A) and XXX (hereafter as PartyB) on the bases of the following terms and conditions.

  1. Party A employs Party B as Party A’s business representative from the date of January 1st 2005 to December 31st 2008.After the maturity of this Agreement, both parties based on own necessity, may either renew or terminate the agreement without any condition.

  2. Responsibilities and services for Party B are listed below:

  (1) Provide expansion and service for the current clients-XXX;XXX…..

  (2) Promote sales of Part A. new procts and provide assistance and services as requested by aforementioned clients.

  (3) Develop potential clients in Europe market.

  (4) Collect and analyze marketing information in Europe, and report the result to Part A. Sales Department for reference for developing new procts in future.

  (5) Assist related proct exhibition including liaison and execution of the said exhibition.

  3. Commission to be paid to Party B under the following terms:

  (1) For the current clients as mentioned before: ?% against total sales amount

  (2) For new clients;

  First year: ?% against total sales amount.

  Second year: ?% against total sales amount.

  Consecutive years: ?% against total sales amount.

  (3) Party A will calculate onn the 10theach month the commission amount according to the received sales amount of last month form the clients, then Party A will pay to Party B’s account through

  (this line for Part B’s account information)

  On 30th of every month payment of commission for last month will be made

  4. Responsible Areas: Within Party A’s business areas excluding USA and China, and Party A may have the flexibility in coordination with Party B for a reasonable adjustment, so as to meet Party A business requirements.

  5. During this Agreement covering period, both parties for good reasons may request to terminated the Agreement, but either Party must inform the other Party 10days ahead of time.

  6. Once this Agreement becomes effective, Party B must observe Party A’s business secrecy, and enjoy no labor insurance, health insurance, group insurance and other welfare measurements.

  7. 7days before expiry date of this Agreement, if Party A has not informed Party B about termination, this Agreement is deemed to be renewed for another year.

  8. Party B must observe Party A’s security regulation of this Agreement and so forth within 3years period.

  9. Party B within this Agreement period, may have literary work, trade mark, patent or any other relevant intellectual asset, except already negotiated with party A, will refer to Party A’s right of possession without any condition.

  10. Both Parties keep one copy of this Agreement.

  Part A Part B

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