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to live is to give 这篇作文怎么写

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-24 02:45



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 05:56

To give itself is a kind of incomparable joy .
To love is to give , not to take in nature.
What is "to give"? A common misunderstanding is: "to give " means "give up something", lose something and sacrifice something--a person in the state of deprivation just comprehends it in this way . Also, there is some people admitting that " to give " are a moral standard of self-sacrifice . One day they paid something , another day they will gain something . What is "something" called ? It is "love".
Since it is "love", it has been destined as "to give", which is selfless, like motherhood; and sometimes , "love " is selfish ,which you don't want to share with anyone.
Love is a nature that all creatures have, which is an ability of uniting and breaking through between human beings separated. Love gives what itself owns to anyone,such as , tenderness and happiness, interest, sympathy,forgiveness ,and knowledge. In the behavior of "to love ", humanity can only understand they have had what they want.
Because of love, our life becomes more delightful and colorful. It is difficult to imagine that what human beings will to be without love.
Love in life presents difficult ways ,but the same thing never changed ring them is "to give". The basic meaning is "never regret to love or being loved" , which is the purest and the most beautiful ,like puppy love. "To Give " is silently, but "to love " is spectacular.
to love is to give ,which one would like to sacrifice his or her happiness for the other person’happiness.
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