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发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-23 12:05



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 18:36

  10 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Studying Abroad in the US

  Last year I swapped my steady student life in Leeds, England, for an unforgettable year abroad inSouth Carolina. I waved goodbye to weekends in the library and welcomed spending my spare time by the pool, exploring the US and watching American football games with my new international family.

  I’ve realized that while the pre-departure support and advice I received from the study abroad office was second to none, there were just some things that briefings, orientation sessions and information booklets couldn’t have prepared me for. Here are 10 things I wish I’d known before I plunged into my awesome year in the almighty USA:

  1. You don’t need the extra suitcase

  I totally regret taking an extra suitcase out to America, not to mention paying for it. I was so nervous about moving my life across the Atlantic that I tried to take it all with me. In the end, I didn’t use half the clothes and supplies and had to pay to ship them all back at the end of the year. If you’re preparing to study abroad, pack as light as you can – chances are you’ll want to buy new things in your host country anyway.

  2. You won’t drink a good cup of tea all year

  Although I did pack too heavily, I wish I’d packed more teabags. If you’re a keen UK-based tea-drinker heading to the US, you’ll need to take a generous supply of your favorite teabag brand, because the chances of finding Yorkshire Tea or Tetleys in American supermarkets are extremely slim.

  3. Hope for the best but plan for the worst

  When preparing to study abroad it’s best to adopt the mentality that the worst that could happen might just happen. It sounds negative, but that way, when you’re out in your host country and living independently, you’ll have a safety net of ‘Plan Bs’ that you ensured before you left. Make two copies of all your visa information. Take your laptop receipt in case you need to make an insurance claim. Most importantly, buy the most extensive type of insurance cover because it’s always better to be safe than sorry when you’re living in unfamiliar surroundings.

  4. Bid for a sorority early

  I’ve always been intrigued by the phenomenon of sororities and fraternities and the polarizing reception they get in US universities. I ended my year abroad with a nagging curiosity and the regret that I never got to understand sorority culture from the inside. If you’re heading to America for a study abroad year, remember to check out sorority opportunities before you leave as they often start recruiting before you’re e to arrive.

  5. Studying abroad is an emotional cocktail (not a rollercoaster)

  Before I departed for South Carolina I was told that I’d most likely go through phases of emotional adjustment, from ‘orientation’ to the ‘honeymoon stage’ to the ominous ‘disintegration’ phase. But everyone is different. I realized that my emotional experience in the states wasn’t a case of ups and downs, like a rollercoaster, but an emotional cocktail. I’d feel homesick, excited, overwhelmed and settled all at the same time. Even if the indivial elements weren’t always to my taste, they never ceased to make for an overall concoction of discovery, anticipation and adventure.

  6. ‘Bless your heart’ is not a compliment

  When I came to South Carolina I heard people saying ‘bless your heart’ and thought it was a term of endearment. Later in the year a friend told me it means something totally different. It’s actually quite condescending – a Southern way of saying something like, ‘No offense, but you’re pretty stupid.’ Thanks for the heads up!

  7. There are no corner shops, just enormous supermarkets

  Having spent my life in England I’ve always been within a few streets of a nearby corner shop (or convenience store, as Americans call it). I never realized how much I take them for granted until I moved to the US and the only convenience items available in the nearest shop were crisps and sweets: no milk, no eggs, no bread. This meant I had to plan my weekly shopping trips to Wal-Mart with military precision if I didn’t want to go without my beloved cups of tea for the rest of the week. So much for ‘convenience’…

  8. You’ll need more than just shorts and t-shirts

  When I learned that temperatures in the Palmetto State stay mostly warm all year round, as a Brit long deprived of sufficient sunshine I went into overdrive packing bikinis, shorts and t-shirts. Little did I know that I’d need thick jumpers and socks for South Carolina’s first occurrence of snowfall in years.

  9. Americans love driving more than you can possibly imagine

  I had no idea just how much American driving culture would affect my year abroad until I arrived in Columbia. Despite being South Carolina’s capital city, Columbia isn’t pedestrian friendly, to say the least. I quickly learned that being 21 without a driving license is the rare British exception to the American rule. There were so many times when I’d set out to the nearby town to find the pavement stop dead at my feet, turning my innocent shopping trips into questionable expeditions along the side of the road. Bless my heart!

  10. Reverse culture shock is worse than initial culture shock

  As I was waiting for my inbound plane to pull in to the airport for a long return flight to the UK, I breathed a sigh of relief. I moved my life across the Atlantic for an entire year and had the most phenomenal time. What I didn’t expect was that the day-to-day impact of that year abroad was far from over. Adjusting to life back home and parting with my new American family was one of the hardest and most unexpected trials of the whole year. While the shock went away within a few weeks, the reverse back to British culture will never be 100% complete. Wherever I go, I’ll always remember that there’s a welcoming American community out there in Columbia, South Carolina, that I’ll be sure to meet again sometime soon.



以下是我希望在我在全能的美国度过美好的一年之前就知道的 10 件事: 1. 你不需要额外的手提箱我完全后悔带一个额外的手提箱去美国,更不用说付钱了。我对跨越大西洋的生活感到非常紧张,以至于我试图把这一切都带走。最后,我没有使用一半的衣服和用品,不得不在年底将它们全部运回。如果您准...


3.美国的白吐司非常甜 美国的白吐司非常甜,比其他地区甜许多。4.美国快速公路非常的长 全世界10条最久的快速公路含有5条坐落于美国,并且间距都那么长。拿英国最久的快速公路A1与美国最久的公路——美国20号公路对比,他们长度各是410公里和3,365公里。5.美国餐厅厨房许多都是有垃圾处理设备 美国许...


美国留学要注意的八大事项 1、谈话时注意距离 和美国人讲话的时候要保持彼此的身体间的距离,半米的距离比较合适。当你和美国人聊天时,他如果一直向前进,可能你离他的距离有些远;如果他一直向后退,你和他的距离可能靠得太近了,因此要保持适当的距离。 2、打招呼切勿大嗓门 美国留学专家介绍,中国人遇见熟人...


一、去美国留学一定要做的事情-学会审视自己 我们一般人会以自己为中心,觉得什么人都要围着他。可是实际上,社会是百态的,并不是你一个人的。所以,你要学会赞扬别人,而且也要善待自己,不去美国读本科时不要过分地追求某些事情,也不要刻意地去伤害一个人。你要做到的就是,正确地审视你自己,让...


3. 美国朋友 最好的练习英语、学习美国文化的方式,是交美国朋友。我总是看见,留学生聚集在他们自己国人的社交圈内。虽然中国人与中国人玩,看起来顺其自然,又有意思。但是,你需要注意到这种社交模式,牺牲了什么东西: 总是说中文,你没有机会练习英语 美国人会因为你身边一大堆说中文的人被吓跑,不想接近你 迅速...


在美国切记不可随意搭便车!最近留学生章莹颖失踪案想必大家都知道,就是因为搭便车才给了坏人可乘之机。实际上因为搭便车而被抢去钱财或遭到 *** 之类的案件在美国屡见不鲜,尤其是女性,对于主动停车殷勤要求送上一程的“好心人”最好还是多留个心眼。 4.不要称呼黑人为“Negro” 在美国种族歧视是禁忌,“Negr...


如今选择到国外留学的人越来越多,初到其他地域,首先肯定会受到一定的文化冲击,尤其是去欧美留学,东西方的文化差异巨大,刚开始适应可能都比较吃力,有可能还不小心踩到“雷区”。下面是我整理的小贴士,希望能对大家有所帮助。 比如不要乱脱鞋,不要随意道歉,不要乱送礼物等等。那么,美国到底有哪些事情是绝对不能碰...


一、交通知识 去美国留学一定会涉及到交通问题,需要提前了解美国相关的交通知识。如果被开罚单一定要及时缴费,否则会带来很严重的后果。二、知识产权 在美国留学要非常重视知识产权,在美国如果使用盗版的书籍或者唱片,并且将它在公共场合所公布,就很有可能会坐牢。三、信用卡的使用 如果想在美国使用信用...


先说大环境下你需要注意的事:1.切莫搭便车 这里倒不是说起源于什么生活习惯,只不过在异国他乡,安全问题总是第一位的。其实美国社会治安情况并不是很好,搭便车而被抢去钱财或遭到凌辱之类的案件也屡见不鲜,有些歹徒看到路边步行的女性,就主动停车,殷勤要求送上一程。如果误以为他是好意,无异于...


下面我为大家介绍女生去美国留学必须知道的40件事,看看哪些是你目前还不知道的呢。1、洗手间里的马桶叫toilet,家里的洗手间叫bathroom,外面的洗手间叫restroom。2、吃饭要给小费,大家都说给10%-15%。3、各种商店售货员都特别好,第一句话是how are you today,应该很自然地说good,她会说nice...

为什么去美国留学的都不想回来 想去美国留学的原因 我想去美国留学 为什么想去美国留学 想去美国留学怎么办 想去美国留学要求 想去国外留学需要什么条件 我想去美国留学英语 初中毕业想去美国留学
现代家庭健康饮食宝典目录 食疗炸菜商品描述 家常菜烹饪宝典内容简介 ...啊?是一幅他特别喜欢的图片,他曾经还求我画一张,当 ...4年老桩砍头了没留叶子,这杆子还能爆侧芽小仔吗?这杆子生长点在哪里... 家庭食疗宝典软件介绍 有个女生同学下周过生日告诉我让我送她生日礼物。我问他他要什么他说... 我有一个女同学生日,我XH她,她叫我送她一张贺卡,内容怎么写 魅族手机下载那种视频播放器可以小屏播放 一个蛮好的女同学要过生日,不知道送生日报怎么样。。有网友送过没,他们... 求三篇关于中美节日比较的英语文章!!感激不尽! 农村户口还有必要迁出农村吗? 求 美国偶像第九季 1c里的一首歌 户口迁流出是什么意思 可怜九月初三夜的“怜”是什么意思???马上要,快点 形容一个人有远见想法的词语 虫草0.4是什么意思 试剂盒c和t什么意思 梦见出汗流汗是什么意思?做梦梦见出汗流汗好不好 天地板股票第二天走势分析,投资者如何把握股票走势 阴阳师辉夜姬胧月皮肤怎么获得 班主任工作手册中个人荣誉印记表填的是什么 凤凰图瓦月季和辉夜月季花的区别 辉夜月毕业时间 sp辉夜月之洗礼哪里刷比较快 甘肃车牌号字母排序 芋圆坏了是什么样子? 立臻三年十万工资是真的吗 抑郁症患者整天不想吃饭想,最后会饿死吗? 抑郁症厌食症什么症状 513060对比512170选哪个 苏州振旺光电上市了没 仰卧起坐锻炼的肌肉介绍 工匠的解释是什么 和一美站约做了香港DR REBORN的激光祛斑,两个月了,还需要忌口感光食物吗? 在iwsd香港医疗预约平台可以预约到Dr reborn注射玻尿酸微整形美容价格贵吗? 本人是深圳人,3月26日在香港Dr reborn(世贸中心店)购买6... 怎么开缴纳社保证明 徐文帮我翻译成日语 谁知道张珏琦、张小内、张逸伦、和柒这几个字翻译成日语读什么? 欧尚z6伴我回家大灯怎么激活 Pleasr contact theapplication's support team for more information. contact、contract、contrast三兄弟顺序记忆 保底工资申请书怎么写? 乐山名盛房产靠谱吗 现代朗动送你回家怎么设置,什么条件下打开,要关大灯吗 叫经理帮忙向上级领导申请保底工资的说说? 乐山装饰公司 ix35新款送你回家大灯怎么设制? 张家港恒居房产怎么样