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求一篇简短的介绍 圣地亚哥 的英文介绍 。要英文的,不需要很长、谢谢。很急

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-23 10:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:08

San Diego is an ancient city with 400 years of history. 1541 years, Spaniard colonial WaErDiWeiYa led 150 cavalry came here, in what is now the city center of saint Lucia in Spain in South America built the mountain of the continent's first fort, and down in the mud brick and vegetation building with a number of primitive residential area, this is the rudiment of San Diego city. 1818 April 5, after Chile strive for independence war - a decisive battle of MaiPu war, San Diego become the capital of Chile. By the 19th century copper and graally found in Chile, large-scale mining city rapidly development. In the years that followed, several earthquake, floods and other natural disasters, urban historic the destruction of buildings were seriously damaged. Today's San Diego is a modern city, area more than 100 square kilometers and a population of 534 million, is Chile's largest city, a national political, economic, cultural and transportation center. Downtown San Diego in history of saint Lucia mountain is developed for the center. St. Lucia's mountain high 230 meters, is a famous the scenic area. A winding mountain path and ended at the top spiral upward. Ancient Greece Athens hill with a white porch, porch is flanked by the huge murals of of primitive simplicity, these ciassic. Dahurian are stem rotund, different pattern of cactus, colorful flowers adorn meantime. A hillside in ShiQuan ", "spring slowly from sleek stone jar urchins in arms flowed out in lush forests, water formed in a pool. Hill ZhiDie and the castles, ages ago, TongBao hitherto intact. Standing in the castle overlooking the city, long before three kilometers, wide and 100 meters of Mr Higgins across the city streets, highway car flowed, both sides high-rise buildings in; Liberation square, the constitution square, Baghdad's plaza vivid; Urban and suburban Catholic church, cathedral, city hall, postal building, Chile university, Catholic university, national institute, national library, the history museum and art gallery, take in everything in a glance. Urban northeast holy christo watts mountain, 1,000 meters altitude, the mountains useful carved out of marble giant virgin like, hillside among trees built observatory and flowers and plants, be called "zoo park", is the capital of San Diego tourist center. 31 October 2007 and become the twin cities, hefei, anhui. In Santiago, Chile, and west near the frontier central Chile PaLaiSuo val the first big cities, the first South American cities, located four andes, mild climate.
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