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Fences (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-21 14:04



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 07:09

歌曲名:Fences (Album Version)

Paramore - Fences
From the Album Riot!
by slillian
I'm sitting in a room
Made up of only big white walls
And in the hall there are
People looking thourgh
The window in the door
They know excatly what we are here for
Don't look up, just let them think
There's no place else you'd rather be
You're always on display
For everyone to watch and learn from
Don't you know by now
You can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying
Just living proof that the camera's lying
And oh oh open wide
'Cause this is your night
So smile
'Cause you'll go out in style
You'll go out in style
If you let me I could
I'd show you how to
Build your fences, set restrictions
Seperate from the world
The constant battle that you hate to fight
Just blame the limelight
Don't look up, just let them think
There's no place else you'd rather be
And now you can't turn back
Because this road is all you'll ever have
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying
Just living proof that the camera's lying
And oh oh open wide
'Cause this is your night
So smile
Yeah yeah you're asking for it
With every breath that you breathe in
Just breathe it in
Yeah yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this big talking
So now let's see you walk it
I said let's see you walk it
Yeah yeah well you're just a mess
You do all this big talking
So now let's see you walk it
I said let's see you walk it
And it's obvious that you're dying, dying
Just living proof that the camera's lying
And oh oh open wide
Yeah oh oh open wide
Yeah oh oh open wide
'Cause you'll go out in style
You'll go out in style
- The End -

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