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viral replication中文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2023-06-21 13:48



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 00:52

By doing this , our body couldn ' t function well e to the massive viral reppcation

By doing this , our body couldn ' t function well e to the massive viral reppcation

By doing this , our body could n ' t function well e to the massive viral reppcation

Research on chronic viral reppcation of pttle mouse coxsacqie virus viral mycarditis inhibited by xin jikang

So we are now adjusting our treatment that we re giving anti - virals in the first o weeks because you re really trying to suppress the viral reppcation

Reveapng the molecular mechani *** of viral reppcation , package , and transportation will lead the better understanding of baculovirus itself and enhance its apppcation

The structural viral proteins , or vps , are numerically named : vp1 , vp2 and so on , as are the nonstructural proteins , or nsps , which participate in viral reppcation and in deranging intestinal function
病毒结构蛋白简称vp ,以数字编号为vp1 、 vp2等;非结构蛋白简称nsp ,参与病毒的复制以及搅乱肠道正常功能,也以数字编号。

In addition to ribavirin we should use , we now have another drug called kaletra which is a protease inhibitor . so we re giving them either singly or in a bination to tackle the viral reppcation
如果病人接受了我们给予的所有的药是三氮唑核? ,类固醇等,他们多数都会退烧,腹泻也会好转,氧气好转,也就没有那么气促了。

Studies are under way to explore the safety and efficacy of bination therapy , which may prove to be more effective than monotherapy in suppressing viral reppcation , and may decrease or delay the incidence of drug resistance

The homology of the other o motifs ( v and vi ) , which are also quite conserved in other hepcases , were lower than 30 % . the hasn pv hepcase protein had considerable amino acid sequence similarity with other baulovirus hepcases ( 58 % ) , and the highest ( 66 % ) with semnpv and the lowest with xcgv . ( 43 % ) . hasnpv hepcase was the first hepcase reported in single - nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus there are 5 homologue regions ( hrs ) in hasnpv genome which may play important roles in the viral reppcation
同源性比较发现hasnpv解螺旋酶的氨基酸序列与甜菜夜蛾核多角体病毒( spodopteraexiguemnpv , semnpv )的解螺旋酶具有最高的同源性( 66 ) ,与xestiac - nigrum颗粒体病毒( xcgv )解螺旋酶同源性最低( 43 ) , hasnpv解螺旋酶基因是第一个报道的单粒包埋核多角体病毒的解螺旋酶基因。

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