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从出生背景和人物性格分析《名利场》中Becky对名誉的追求The pursuit of fame

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 07:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 00:02

Vanity Fair" is a poor saying of a rich story of two girls. Two girls are very beautiful, both singing and dancing. Rebecca poor girls and unscrupulous use of beauty into the upper class. Rich girls Amelia human desire for good-natured. Rebecca ambitious, efforts in weight, all the girls are in front of her pale. Finally, Rebecca society obsessed with social activities, and ultimately abandoned by her husband, and Amelia is a happy marriage, great happiness.

Read this book, you can improve our understanding of the 18th century understanding of British society, but also let us see the flaws of Western society - snobbish. This book the two female lead: Amelia and Rebecca formed a sharp contrast. Rebecca Ayutthaya deep ambition, and quick responses. Amelia simply lovely, innocent, friendly and no one preparedness.

This book most unforgettable poetry Rebecca fragment of a child to her, she told her tough kids, the children asked her what she did not justifications, but also others. One day, a Prince to her home, her children ran out to find her, she did not kids凶巴巴the roar, but his gentle caress. From the side, she described to highlight the hypocrisy, it is有心计characteristics.

Read this book reminds me of the entertainment business in today's society. One star said: "the entertainment business is a bowl of water, more people jump into pure will become dirty, dark."

In Vanity Fair where everyone exchanges with other people with masks. We have seen is also not necessarily true.

"Vanity Fair" This book revealed to us the 18th century the British in the pursuit of fame and fortune of the degree of madness.
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